I was indulging myself with some delicious chips formally known as "Doritos". I grabbed a piece and slowly chewed on the crunchy tortilla chips, savoring its cheddar cheese flavor. It was truly a great moment until I, unfortunately, dropped a very small piece of it. I let out a small cry, but was consoled by the almighty cheese-flavored tortilla chips. I reached for a glass cup filled with Arizona Green Tea and slowly sipped it. Suddenly, I felt a sudden urge to explode in the area above my private-parts. I had to urinate. I set aside the bag of heaven and stood up, only to feel a sudden prick of pain. I staggered for a second, and raised my leg to see what attacked me. To my demise, it was a piece of Doritos chips. I cried out and did my best to prevent the blood from gushing out. I limped towards the bathroom and cleaned the mess spot-free. It was truly a terrible experience.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
My Christmas
This year's Christmas for me was different.
We're feeling the effects of the global recession, so this time we didn't have money to spend to buy gifts and a Christmas tree. Instead, I got a long, memorable card from my parents. Now I was completely fine with this, since it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday on Christmas Eve, my parents got into this huge, disgusting fight. It was over money, of course, and they didn't talk or see each other for the remaining hour. I tried to intervene their argument to see if I can help, but all it did was make me involved in their troubles. It was total bullshit.
It was quiet from then on. The only noise I heard was from either my iPod or the sounds of fingers typing on the computer. It did not feel like Christmas at all. It just seemed like a normal day.
This morning, I woke up at around 10 and took a shower, because my mom was basically forcing me to go to this church service. I didn't argue, because it was Christmas! My dad was just lying there on the bed, not moving because he said he was sick. Hmmm, sick on a day we go to church. How surprising. Mom didn't bother with him and we just left.
We arrived at church around 11:10, and ALL the parking lots were full. So my mom was starting to bitch about how it was all my fault for making her late, when I specifically remembered I was waiting for HER to finish putting on make-up and shit. But whatever, we found space on the sidewalk and parked there.
Got in, ALL the service halls were filled, so we stayed in the food court (Yeah, our church is REALLY big.) I just played games on my iPod and texted to friends on my phone for about two hours when the service finally ended. My mom's always in a good mood after service, so we ate at a restaurant and went to this mall.
This was the spotlight of the day.
The mall was REALLY big. Four floors (Six if you included the garage), and it was going to have a grand opening the day after tomorrow. My mom is a realtor, and she had some commercial space there in the mall, so she had a key to get in. We snuck in, and it was amazing. No one but us, HUGE mall.
We ran around, we danced for a little, we looked at the closed stores for a while. It was AMAZING. I miss it already.
I was there for about an hour, and my mom got her paper work. We left and came back home, and I'm sipping on hot cocoa and eating Chips Ahoy! cookies.
It was a different Christmas experience, but it was definitely better than I expected. The time I had with my mom was a gift itself, and I was satisfied.
Thanks mom and dad!
We're feeling the effects of the global recession, so this time we didn't have money to spend to buy gifts and a Christmas tree. Instead, I got a long, memorable card from my parents. Now I was completely fine with this, since it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday on Christmas Eve, my parents got into this huge, disgusting fight. It was over money, of course, and they didn't talk or see each other for the remaining hour. I tried to intervene their argument to see if I can help, but all it did was make me involved in their troubles. It was total bullshit.
It was quiet from then on. The only noise I heard was from either my iPod or the sounds of fingers typing on the computer. It did not feel like Christmas at all. It just seemed like a normal day.
This morning, I woke up at around 10 and took a shower, because my mom was basically forcing me to go to this church service. I didn't argue, because it was Christmas! My dad was just lying there on the bed, not moving because he said he was sick. Hmmm, sick on a day we go to church. How surprising. Mom didn't bother with him and we just left.
We arrived at church around 11:10, and ALL the parking lots were full. So my mom was starting to bitch about how it was all my fault for making her late, when I specifically remembered I was waiting for HER to finish putting on make-up and shit. But whatever, we found space on the sidewalk and parked there.
Got in, ALL the service halls were filled, so we stayed in the food court (Yeah, our church is REALLY big.) I just played games on my iPod and texted to friends on my phone for about two hours when the service finally ended. My mom's always in a good mood after service, so we ate at a restaurant and went to this mall.
This was the spotlight of the day.
The mall was REALLY big. Four floors (Six if you included the garage), and it was going to have a grand opening the day after tomorrow. My mom is a realtor, and she had some commercial space there in the mall, so she had a key to get in. We snuck in, and it was amazing. No one but us, HUGE mall.
We ran around, we danced for a little, we looked at the closed stores for a while. It was AMAZING. I miss it already.
I was there for about an hour, and my mom got her paper work. We left and came back home, and I'm sipping on hot cocoa and eating Chips Ahoy! cookies.
It was a different Christmas experience, but it was definitely better than I expected. The time I had with my mom was a gift itself, and I was satisfied.
Thanks mom and dad!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Updated/Merry Christmas
Sorry I haven't updated my blog in awhile. I've been really busy with Christmas coming up and spending time with friends. I am SO happy it's finally winter break. I really needed it bad.
Nothing happened the past few days except for parties and shit. But there was this ONE thing where a lot of thoughts went through my head. I'm not going to say any names here, but I was just with some people at someone's house. We weren't really doing anything. Just listening to music and socializing. I saw that a a few people were little by little leaving and going outside. I wanted to see what was up, and I found out they were preparing some pot to smoke. At first I was like whatevers, a little uncomfortable though, because of what happened to my brother. For those of you who don't know, my brother was an extremely smart person back in the days, but when he discovered drugs, things just went downhill. Extremely downhill.
Many of the people who were gonna smoke that shit were people that I didn't even expect to do it. But I just didn't say anything. What really ticked me off though, were people who've never done drugs before doing it. Most of them said that they were just curious and just wanted to see what it's like. I didn't want what happened to my brother happen to my friends, so I intervened and I tried to prevent them from succumbing. I probably did overreact and exaggerated it, since I knew them well enough that they wouldn't abuse it (My brother abused the drugs, thus screwed over). But I still didn't want them to do something that had nothing but disadvantages. I gave up, and some of them still did it.
I kinda eavesdropped and heard a whole lot of coughing, and I kinda chuckled when I really shouldn't be, but yeah. After they finished, I asked them how they were and they said they felt fine. Very very little effect. What was the point of all that when there wasn't even going to be any effects? Very stupid.
But you know what? I kind of felt bad, because I was being hypocritical (I guess). Somewhere in my mind was telling me I wanted to try it, too. I did want to try it, and I was very curious. But being myself, I compared the benefits and the negative effects. Yup, above the influence.
I didn't know what to feel afterwards, but I was fine with it. I really did overreact. Haha.
Nothing happened the past few days except for parties and shit. But there was this ONE thing where a lot of thoughts went through my head. I'm not going to say any names here, but I was just with some people at someone's house. We weren't really doing anything. Just listening to music and socializing. I saw that a a few people were little by little leaving and going outside. I wanted to see what was up, and I found out they were preparing some pot to smoke. At first I was like whatevers, a little uncomfortable though, because of what happened to my brother. For those of you who don't know, my brother was an extremely smart person back in the days, but when he discovered drugs, things just went downhill. Extremely downhill.
Many of the people who were gonna smoke that shit were people that I didn't even expect to do it. But I just didn't say anything. What really ticked me off though, were people who've never done drugs before doing it. Most of them said that they were just curious and just wanted to see what it's like. I didn't want what happened to my brother happen to my friends, so I intervened and I tried to prevent them from succumbing. I probably did overreact and exaggerated it, since I knew them well enough that they wouldn't abuse it (My brother abused the drugs, thus screwed over). But I still didn't want them to do something that had nothing but disadvantages. I gave up, and some of them still did it.
I kinda eavesdropped and heard a whole lot of coughing, and I kinda chuckled when I really shouldn't be, but yeah. After they finished, I asked them how they were and they said they felt fine. Very very little effect. What was the point of all that when there wasn't even going to be any effects? Very stupid.
But you know what? I kind of felt bad, because I was being hypocritical (I guess). Somewhere in my mind was telling me I wanted to try it, too. I did want to try it, and I was very curious. But being myself, I compared the benefits and the negative effects. Yup, above the influence.
I didn't know what to feel afterwards, but I was fine with it. I really did overreact. Haha.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I had an awesome day today.
I didn't study much for SAT 2's. I was on Facebook more than were my eyes on the pages of my BARRON'S Biology and Math 2 C prep books. It was about 1, and I knocked out on the desk. I woke up at around 6:50 am by Kristine's call and hopped into the shower. I dressed back into my pajamas and left for Hami in Kristine's car. We get there, and being that we went extremely early to avoid long lines, there was a long line. A LONG ASSSSS LINE. While Kristine is wearing a sweater, jeans, and sneakers, I'm fuckin wearing a Bruce lee T-shirt and thin, blue-striped pajamas with flip-flops literally freezing my ass off in the 50 degrees weather. I'm there shivering my ass off, using my printed ticket to keep myself, rubbing it all over my skin. People who late stood in the even longer line for SAT 1, and they ended up going in earlier than me WTF?! But yeah, whatever.
We got in, and we got this girl proctor. She looked hapa, but she was fugly, so I didn't pay much attention. She kept saying the instructions for SAT 1, and we got all confused and this one Asian girl said "HELLO!? WE'RE TAKING SAT 2!" I lis'ed (laughed in side), and she told us to do things that I was finished. 10 minutes after she was done babbling, we started the test. SAT Math 2 C. Holy fuck, was that test hard. LIKE HOLY FUCK, it was hard. I forgot SO many things about math before, so I totally BS'ed that test. Omitted, I think, 13 questions. WHATEVER.
We had a break, and we all just talked about how hard that test was and thought about canceling. But I paid twenty bucks for that, so hell nah.
We walked back in, and I began taking the test that I dreared so much. SAT 2 Biology. Yeah, I got a 2 on my AP Exam, and it's been two years since I've taken a biology course, so I have NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER about biology! Well, maybe something about animal physiology ;)
but yeah. First question was something ridiculous, and it was then that the fun began. I lost all hope, but didn't care at all and I began doing EENIE MEENIE MAINI MO'S on the test. Also, filled out bubbles to spell out words like DAD CACA BAE, stuff like that. I skipped questions that were long, and I jumped around in question numbers. Like I would do number 46, then do number 22. It was fun. I felt so free. After taking that "test" I grabbed my belongings and rejoiced in the hallway.
I met up with Kima and we waited for our parents to come. She took Math 2 C, too, and Spanish. She said Spanish was really easy, so she was confidant for a good score. I just waited for my dad to come which he eventually did. We went to taco bell, got some tacos and went home and I just did alot of things. Cleaned my room, watched Indiana Jones Crystal Skulls or whatever that junk movie was, and ate pizza from Mr. Pizza, and watched No Country for Old Men (A GOOD MOVIE. MUST SEE!), and now I'm here writing this post. I would've went to the FMLY F'king Night, but being my usual lazy ass, I decided not to.
Today was a good day. You might say I'm being sarcastic, and I guess I am, but it's really a good-weird kinda way. I liked it.
How was yours? (Rhetorical question)
I didn't study much for SAT 2's. I was on Facebook more than were my eyes on the pages of my BARRON'S Biology and Math 2 C prep books. It was about 1, and I knocked out on the desk. I woke up at around 6:50 am by Kristine's call and hopped into the shower. I dressed back into my pajamas and left for Hami in Kristine's car. We get there, and being that we went extremely early to avoid long lines, there was a long line. A LONG ASSSSS LINE. While Kristine is wearing a sweater, jeans, and sneakers, I'm fuckin wearing a Bruce lee T-shirt and thin, blue-striped pajamas with flip-flops literally freezing my ass off in the 50 degrees weather. I'm there shivering my ass off, using my printed ticket to keep myself, rubbing it all over my skin. People who late stood in the even longer line for SAT 1, and they ended up going in earlier than me WTF?! But yeah, whatever.
We got in, and we got this girl proctor. She looked hapa, but she was fugly, so I didn't pay much attention. She kept saying the instructions for SAT 1, and we got all confused and this one Asian girl said "HELLO!? WE'RE TAKING SAT 2!" I lis'ed (laughed in side), and she told us to do things that I was finished. 10 minutes after she was done babbling, we started the test. SAT Math 2 C. Holy fuck, was that test hard. LIKE HOLY FUCK, it was hard. I forgot SO many things about math before, so I totally BS'ed that test. Omitted, I think, 13 questions. WHATEVER.
We had a break, and we all just talked about how hard that test was and thought about canceling. But I paid twenty bucks for that, so hell nah.
We walked back in, and I began taking the test that I dreared so much. SAT 2 Biology. Yeah, I got a 2 on my AP Exam, and it's been two years since I've taken a biology course, so I have NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER about biology! Well, maybe something about animal physiology ;)
but yeah. First question was something ridiculous, and it was then that the fun began. I lost all hope, but didn't care at all and I began doing EENIE MEENIE MAINI MO'S on the test. Also, filled out bubbles to spell out words like DAD CACA BAE, stuff like that. I skipped questions that were long, and I jumped around in question numbers. Like I would do number 46, then do number 22. It was fun. I felt so free. After taking that "test" I grabbed my belongings and rejoiced in the hallway.
I met up with Kima and we waited for our parents to come. She took Math 2 C, too, and Spanish. She said Spanish was really easy, so she was confidant for a good score. I just waited for my dad to come which he eventually did. We went to taco bell, got some tacos and went home and I just did alot of things. Cleaned my room, watched Indiana Jones Crystal Skulls or whatever that junk movie was, and ate pizza from Mr. Pizza, and watched No Country for Old Men (A GOOD MOVIE. MUST SEE!), and now I'm here writing this post. I would've went to the FMLY F'king Night, but being my usual lazy ass, I decided not to.
Today was a good day. You might say I'm being sarcastic, and I guess I am, but it's really a good-weird kinda way. I liked it.
How was yours? (Rhetorical question)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
so much shit to do and so much shit to deal with
i have a really bad habit: procrastination.
i dont know what happened to me. back in the elementary and middle school days, i used to do things quick. I studied first and played later.
Now, I just play. No studying whatsoever. I know I can get straight A's and I know I can get perfect attendance. There are just too many distractions that I can't control.
Whenever I come home, I don't go for my backpack, but the remote control or the power button on the computer.
I used to think in the long terms rather than short, but now, I just don't. I don't know why. Maybe I've just become impatient. Not the one where you wait in line and stuff. But I mean, just wait. My parents always told me that if I studied hard when young, it will pay off in the future. But when will the time come? I don't know and I'm getting tired.
Tired. Tired. Tired.
Right now, I'm completely swamped with homework that I've never turned in. For many of you who have Ms. Votto as your English teacher, you might've seen my name on the board listed under MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. Yeah...
I've become so adapted to seeing such things, I just dont' care anymore. I feel like I still don't have to do it. Or maybe it's just that I don't want to do it. Idk. But there's something in me that died. Something important. Something that I need for me to live a successful and happy life.
As much as I hate procrsatinating, it's just so... fun. It makes me feel good, for the time being. Until I get a D or an F slapped onto my test, and again, my feelings of indifference causing me to just glance and continue talking with my classmates.
This is bad. Real bad. Right now, I bet you're thinking "JUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK, DANIEL! IT'S THAT EASY!" Well, it's not. I'm addicted. To TV, computer, video games, music, movies, chatting, talking, ETC. Anything that keeps me entertained.
I have many things more to talk about, but I actually have 8 assignments to do that I have to turn in by tomorrow. And on top of that I have to study for SAT 2's. I just can't wait for this to be over and for Oakgrove to come. OAKGROVE!!!!!! and another week until winter break comes up. Break. Definitely need this.
Off topic: my mom had a car accident today. lol.
i gotta do homeworkkkkkkkkkkkfuckkkkkkkkkk
i dont know what happened to me. back in the elementary and middle school days, i used to do things quick. I studied first and played later.
Now, I just play. No studying whatsoever. I know I can get straight A's and I know I can get perfect attendance. There are just too many distractions that I can't control.
Whenever I come home, I don't go for my backpack, but the remote control or the power button on the computer.
I used to think in the long terms rather than short, but now, I just don't. I don't know why. Maybe I've just become impatient. Not the one where you wait in line and stuff. But I mean, just wait. My parents always told me that if I studied hard when young, it will pay off in the future. But when will the time come? I don't know and I'm getting tired.
Tired. Tired. Tired.
Right now, I'm completely swamped with homework that I've never turned in. For many of you who have Ms. Votto as your English teacher, you might've seen my name on the board listed under MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. Yeah...
I've become so adapted to seeing such things, I just dont' care anymore. I feel like I still don't have to do it. Or maybe it's just that I don't want to do it. Idk. But there's something in me that died. Something important. Something that I need for me to live a successful and happy life.
As much as I hate procrsatinating, it's just so... fun. It makes me feel good, for the time being. Until I get a D or an F slapped onto my test, and again, my feelings of indifference causing me to just glance and continue talking with my classmates.
This is bad. Real bad. Right now, I bet you're thinking "JUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK, DANIEL! IT'S THAT EASY!" Well, it's not. I'm addicted. To TV, computer, video games, music, movies, chatting, talking, ETC. Anything that keeps me entertained.
I have many things more to talk about, but I actually have 8 assignments to do that I have to turn in by tomorrow. And on top of that I have to study for SAT 2's. I just can't wait for this to be over and for Oakgrove to come. OAKGROVE!!!!!! and another week until winter break comes up. Break. Definitely need this.
Off topic: my mom had a car accident today. lol.
i gotta do homeworkkkkkkkkkkkfuckkkkkkkkkk
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Currently doing: commenting on Rachael (Raqel) Dodd's status of being a cherry on top of a universe cake and asking if I can eat her.
Currently listening to: Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Yesterday around at 4, i did something that could possibly change my life: clicking the button "Submit". It was for University of California college admissions applications. I applied to all UCs except for Berkeley and Los Angeles, because my private tutor said that I was going to get rejected with my 3.0 (weighted) GPA, 1930 SAT score, and SAT M2C 660 (To be taken again and going to take SAT 2 Biology next Saturday SHITTT).
My personal statement was okay. Totally BS'ed it though. In the first one, I said that I was this complete loner with a negligent family who suddenly became this generous and social person after going to Oakgrove HAHAHAHa. Second one was about me getting lost in an airport in a foreign country, therefore my desire of becoming a psychologist or possibly a translator. Yeah. They're all cheesy as hell, but whatever, I AIN'T GOT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT SHIT NOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Happy like a mudda right now. Well not really. I need a JOB right now, and there is a job posting for Yogurtland that JUST opened in Sawtelle Place. It's perfect for me because I only have to take one bus route there, or I could just walk, and it just opened meaning lots of job openings. I might apply there for part-time. I really need money and I felt bad that I couldnt buy my mom anything for her birthday last Friday.. My mom actually didn't get any presents at all.. We just celebrated at this place called Kaya Sushi (right across from Costco/ In-n-out). That place was good , but expensive. But yeah, I need a lot of things. Christmas presents, and especially some new clothes. I was doing the laundry yesterday and found out that I had 3 boxers with ripped slits in it.. Yeah. Maybe it was my cat, or maybe my ass is just getting bigger. Idk, but i need more fitting clothes.
I might go right now for the application or not. Idk, I keep postponing things out of fear when there really isn't anything to be scared about.. lol
got awesome bands playing. looking forward to the Histories, Nephews and Koalacast. Definitely.
Gonna be awesome, and Im taking some pictures. WOOOOO
Current Status: Clicking publish post and writing "Current status: pushing publish post and writing twice" twice.
Currently listening to: Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Yesterday around at 4, i did something that could possibly change my life: clicking the button "Submit". It was for University of California college admissions applications. I applied to all UCs except for Berkeley and Los Angeles, because my private tutor said that I was going to get rejected with my 3.0 (weighted) GPA, 1930 SAT score, and SAT M2C 660 (To be taken again and going to take SAT 2 Biology next Saturday SHITTT).
My personal statement was okay. Totally BS'ed it though. In the first one, I said that I was this complete loner with a negligent family who suddenly became this generous and social person after going to Oakgrove HAHAHAHa. Second one was about me getting lost in an airport in a foreign country, therefore my desire of becoming a psychologist or possibly a translator. Yeah. They're all cheesy as hell, but whatever, I AIN'T GOT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT SHIT NOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Happy like a mudda right now. Well not really. I need a JOB right now, and there is a job posting for Yogurtland that JUST opened in Sawtelle Place. It's perfect for me because I only have to take one bus route there, or I could just walk, and it just opened meaning lots of job openings. I might apply there for part-time. I really need money and I felt bad that I couldnt buy my mom anything for her birthday last Friday.. My mom actually didn't get any presents at all.. We just celebrated at this place called Kaya Sushi (right across from Costco/ In-n-out). That place was good , but expensive. But yeah, I need a lot of things. Christmas presents, and especially some new clothes. I was doing the laundry yesterday and found out that I had 3 boxers with ripped slits in it.. Yeah. Maybe it was my cat, or maybe my ass is just getting bigger. Idk, but i need more fitting clothes.
I might go right now for the application or not. Idk, I keep postponing things out of fear when there really isn't anything to be scared about.. lol
got awesome bands playing. looking forward to the Histories, Nephews and Koalacast. Definitely.
Gonna be awesome, and Im taking some pictures. WOOOOO
Current Status: Clicking publish post and writing "Current status: pushing publish post and writing twice" twice.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
25 Ways - Thanksgiving Full of HATE
this thanksgiving day sucked big time.
worst ive ever had.
1.) I woke up, not naturally or not by my alarm clock, but by my mom punching me in the arm
2.) she tells me TODAY at 7 in the morning, that i was gonna go to a financial aid meeting at 9.
3.) I wash up and dress, then she tells me that i can just stay and she will go with my dad
4.) i say okay and im just revising my UC apps and about to turn them in
5.) i get a call from my mom, and she was pissed off that i didnt come with WTF?! Uhhh YOU were the one that told me i could stay. She tells me to just send the apps
6.) I revise my personal statements and put it on the website, BUT...
7.) i get a call from my mom again telling me not to send the apps.
8.) Confused and annoyyed as hell, I hang up
9.) mom comes home and starts bitching about how im not gonna get into a college (hey, have you ever thought there might be a COMMUNITY COLLEGE which guarantees 150% acceptance rate?) and how she thinks i might not be able to graduate at all. sorry but im well over my requirements for graduating.
10.) she starts fighting with my dad
11.) she starts arguing with me back
12.) she reads her book called "17 ways of being a better you" YEAH UHH WTF
13.) she starts arguing with my dad again
14.) I watch Requiem for a Dream (REALLY good movie by the way. depressing, but really good.) and she starts arguing with me telling me that im for SURE not going to get into a college if i just watch movies all day (WELL UMM THIS IS A 4 DAY WEEKEND, and i aint got much homework. just gimme some space FUCK)
15.) I hear my dad get out of the house
16.) I panicked because i thought he left for the week or something (he usually leaves and stays at a hotel if he gets in a bad mood with my momma)
17.) i hear him come back
18.) he was holding some bag
19.) it was KFC
20.) he said happy thanksgiving
21.) and my mom was like "no thanks."
23.) ate, while my mom slept beacuse she had this "headache". trust me, mom i have this huge headache from you and you dont see me sleeping. i have to deal with it.
24.) i feel like shit right now. this sort of day's REALLY uncommon, and having it happen on THANKSGIVING just sucks. ughh whatever
25.) good bye.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
PHEW that feels much better now that i got that shit outta my system.
anyways guys, sorry about the hiatus. with all the drama and crap to do, i forgot i had a blog goin. i don't think im gonna update my blog as much this week because of college apps and homework, but i'll try.
hmmm ill try to remember anything good to write about.. uhhh.. oh yeah
November 19, 2008
Wednesday. 9 PM
phone rings. it's a call from the marines, WTF? I never signed up for that crap, but it turns out you had to sign a document that says you're not interested. tricky tricky government. as usual.
anyways, i get this call from this dude named ben hall or whatever, and he started asking me all these personal questions. Height? Weight? Any tattoos? Done any drugs? Broken any bones? Criminal records? Majoring in what? Applying to which colleges? Financial aid? Etc etc, and stupidly i answered all of them. i was confused as to what was going on, and the next thing i know, i got an appointment scheduled for the next day. uhhh ok, bye.
then it's thursday MINIMUM DAY!!! it was so cool, time flew by SO FAST at school! anyways, i go home, but then guess what. I left my keys at home. So it's around 1 and im waiting outside the front gate (i live in an apartment) waiting for someone to maybe open it. someone did, and i waited inside the lobby... so i just played games on my itouch, until this dude wearing some army uniform arrives on the front door.
so he motions me to open it, and i do and he asks me "hey do you know Daniel Bae?" i was like "Yeah, i do." he replied "Oh you do? Do you know where he is?" I said "I'm him"
rofl kinda hilarious but yeah he tells me to get my stuff so we can talk outside. then i started telling him that i wasnt interested to join, but he was stubborn so he kept tryign to recruit me. but then i said that i was very liberal and anti-war, so it wouldn't be for me, then he was like OHhhhhh okay. and just leaves. WTF LOL hilarious conversation. then he goes into his little mini cooper car (LOL?) and leaves. uh yeah. okay. done with that shit.
but then again, remember i have no key? so now im outside and back to where i started. thanks a bunch mr.! anyways, my dad comes and opens the door. yay.
uhh that's pretty much all that i can think of right now, and my fingers hurt so tune in next time to Daniel Bae's blog! That's all folks!
anyways guys, sorry about the hiatus. with all the drama and crap to do, i forgot i had a blog goin. i don't think im gonna update my blog as much this week because of college apps and homework, but i'll try.
hmmm ill try to remember anything good to write about.. uhhh.. oh yeah
November 19, 2008
Wednesday. 9 PM
phone rings. it's a call from the marines, WTF? I never signed up for that crap, but it turns out you had to sign a document that says you're not interested. tricky tricky government. as usual.
anyways, i get this call from this dude named ben hall or whatever, and he started asking me all these personal questions. Height? Weight? Any tattoos? Done any drugs? Broken any bones? Criminal records? Majoring in what? Applying to which colleges? Financial aid? Etc etc, and stupidly i answered all of them. i was confused as to what was going on, and the next thing i know, i got an appointment scheduled for the next day. uhhh ok, bye.
then it's thursday MINIMUM DAY!!! it was so cool, time flew by SO FAST at school! anyways, i go home, but then guess what. I left my keys at home. So it's around 1 and im waiting outside the front gate (i live in an apartment) waiting for someone to maybe open it. someone did, and i waited inside the lobby... so i just played games on my itouch, until this dude wearing some army uniform arrives on the front door.
so he motions me to open it, and i do and he asks me "hey do you know Daniel Bae?" i was like "Yeah, i do." he replied "Oh you do? Do you know where he is?" I said "I'm him"
rofl kinda hilarious but yeah he tells me to get my stuff so we can talk outside. then i started telling him that i wasnt interested to join, but he was stubborn so he kept tryign to recruit me. but then i said that i was very liberal and anti-war, so it wouldn't be for me, then he was like OHhhhhh okay. and just leaves. WTF LOL hilarious conversation. then he goes into his little mini cooper car (LOL?) and leaves. uh yeah. okay. done with that shit.
but then again, remember i have no key? so now im outside and back to where i started. thanks a bunch mr.! anyways, my dad comes and opens the door. yay.
uhh that's pretty much all that i can think of right now, and my fingers hurt so tune in next time to Daniel Bae's blog! That's all folks!
FUCK religion
fuck man, hardcore religious people can be one of the nicest or bitchiest people on the planet.
depends if you yourself is religious.
as many of you might know, i'm ATHEIST.
you hear that mama? ATHEIST.
according the dictionary.com :
–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
what part of that don't you understand? oops sorry, i forgot you suck at English. well let me break it down to the level of a 1 year old: ME NO BELIEVE GOD KK?
this happens EVERY Sunday and it is just fuckin annoying as hell. the day of the week that i is almost assured to be a bad one all thanks to you.
I mean i love you mom, but you're too blinded to see reality because of religion. And just because i don't believe in god, doesn't mean I'm "weird". and NO i can assure you there is no evil spirit mongering in my body, I am Daniel. i'm still myself. you might think you're doing a good deed for god of getting one extra dude to convert to christianity , but i'm sure he didn't think by means of bitching and forcing one to do so.
give it a break woman. i know you had a tough life, but don't unleash all your shit onto me. i have tons of my own shit to take care of.
go write a journal or do whatever it is that pleasures you. just don't have me as an option.
fuck man, hardcore religious people can be one of the nicest or bitchiest people on the planet.
depends if you yourself is religious.
as many of you might know, i'm ATHEIST.
you hear that mama? ATHEIST.
according the dictionary.com :
[ey-thee-ist]–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
what part of that don't you understand? oops sorry, i forgot you suck at English. well let me break it down to the level of a 1 year old: ME NO BELIEVE GOD KK?
this happens EVERY Sunday and it is just fuckin annoying as hell. the day of the week that i is almost assured to be a bad one all thanks to you.
I mean i love you mom, but you're too blinded to see reality because of religion. And just because i don't believe in god, doesn't mean I'm "weird". and NO i can assure you there is no evil spirit mongering in my body, I am Daniel. i'm still myself. you might think you're doing a good deed for god of getting one extra dude to convert to christianity , but i'm sure he didn't think by means of bitching and forcing one to do so.
give it a break woman. i know you had a tough life, but don't unleash all your shit onto me. i have tons of my own shit to take care of.
go write a journal or do whatever it is that pleasures you. just don't have me as an option.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hope. Change. Progress.
Words that we can finally trust.
1st black president Obama. 44th president.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I knew America wasn't that "dumb" as other countries over the world see us to be.
I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and I am fuckin honored to live to see a black president win. Excited.
But I'm pissed that I wasn't able to participate in the actual voting process. I'm 17, missed the election by a year. Venice High did a mock election today, with virtually everyone voting Obama/Biden. But it wasn't much. Everyone already knew who won. OBAMA
Congrats Mr. Obama, you deserve it. Hopefully, you won't be assassinated as many people predict to happen. America needs change.
Words that we can finally trust.
1st black president Obama. 44th president.
To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I knew America wasn't that "dumb" as other countries over the world see us to be.
I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and I am fuckin honored to live to see a black president win. Excited.
But I'm pissed that I wasn't able to participate in the actual voting process. I'm 17, missed the election by a year. Venice High did a mock election today, with virtually everyone voting Obama/Biden. But it wasn't much. Everyone already knew who won. OBAMA
Congrats Mr. Obama, you deserve it. Hopefully, you won't be assassinated as many people predict to happen. America needs change.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Pissed Off Driver, and Preps for Halloween.
School bell rings.
Went to the tennis court, met up with the tennis team (Venice won 7-0. Wee.), and just talked with people. Saw some people that I haven't seen in a while. It was nice.
Then it was time for me to take the bus, got off at Charnock Elem School. Walked, and on Sepulveda and Palms, there were police who directed traffic, with this white van in the middle of the street. This white van looked a lot like those white vans from those movies about bank robberies or something. The wait was really long too. Would hate it if I was there..
Anyways, I turned right on Rose, and started going down. I was passing Tilden Ave, and I was crossing a street that had a stop sign. I just walked through, but then the guy just disregards me, and just keeps going. Now, he was expecting me to stop or something, but noooo he stops and starts cursing at me calling me dipshit and asshole or something. It was hilarious, and I flicked him off (I normally don't do that, but I was in a really bad mood). After he sees that he parks his car on an open sidewalk, I glanced back and I saw him just staring at me. I walked a few more steps, and I turned around to check if he was still there. He was there, walking towards me.
Oh shit. My heart started pounding, and I started sweating a little bit. Listening to Sigur Ros was definitely not helping either; it was some scary ambient music. I started walking a bit faster, and he shouted something, but I couldn't hear it with passing cars and music playing. I glanced back, and he was walking back to his car.
Now I got even more scared, because I thought he was going to get his car and put a cap in my ass or something. Good thing he just left. But man, I was shakin all over.
Just a note Mr. Dumbass Driver. Let me teach you some Driving 101. Pedestrians first, betch.
I'ma be a pumpkin. The costume that I wore when I was in elementary school. Can't wait to see what others are wearing. After that, planning to go with some homies and get free chipotle (THERE'S FREE CHIPOTLE TOMORROW), but there's gonna be some huge ass line I bet. It starts at 6 in case you're wondering.
After that, maybe rent some videos, go over to Kaitlin's house and do a sleepover! Like totally awesome! Like yeah! We'll color each other toenails, gossip, etc!!! Just kidding. We're just gonna watch some scary movies and pull an all nighter. Definitely going trick-or-treating before that.
School bell rings.
Went to the tennis court, met up with the tennis team (Venice won 7-0. Wee.), and just talked with people. Saw some people that I haven't seen in a while. It was nice.
Then it was time for me to take the bus, got off at Charnock Elem School. Walked, and on Sepulveda and Palms, there were police who directed traffic, with this white van in the middle of the street. This white van looked a lot like those white vans from those movies about bank robberies or something. The wait was really long too. Would hate it if I was there..
Anyways, I turned right on Rose, and started going down. I was passing Tilden Ave, and I was crossing a street that had a stop sign. I just walked through, but then the guy just disregards me, and just keeps going. Now, he was expecting me to stop or something, but noooo he stops and starts cursing at me calling me dipshit and asshole or something. It was hilarious, and I flicked him off (I normally don't do that, but I was in a really bad mood). After he sees that he parks his car on an open sidewalk, I glanced back and I saw him just staring at me. I walked a few more steps, and I turned around to check if he was still there. He was there, walking towards me.
Oh shit. My heart started pounding, and I started sweating a little bit. Listening to Sigur Ros was definitely not helping either; it was some scary ambient music. I started walking a bit faster, and he shouted something, but I couldn't hear it with passing cars and music playing. I glanced back, and he was walking back to his car.
Now I got even more scared, because I thought he was going to get his car and put a cap in my ass or something. Good thing he just left. But man, I was shakin all over.
Just a note Mr. Dumbass Driver. Let me teach you some Driving 101. Pedestrians first, betch.
I'ma be a pumpkin. The costume that I wore when I was in elementary school. Can't wait to see what others are wearing. After that, planning to go with some homies and get free chipotle (THERE'S FREE CHIPOTLE TOMORROW), but there's gonna be some huge ass line I bet. It starts at 6 in case you're wondering.
After that, maybe rent some videos, go over to Kaitlin's house and do a sleepover! Like totally awesome! Like yeah! We'll color each other toenails, gossip, etc!!! Just kidding. We're just gonna watch some scary movies and pull an all nighter. Definitely going trick-or-treating before that.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No Such Thing As A Perfect Life (Part 1)
Family relationship is an odd thing. We are born into a world where we instantaneously build a relationship with people who are in our family. It's difficult to explain, but we have some sort of spiritual connection. And usually, family relationships are in great condition. There would be the occasional arguments and fights, but that is simply a natural occurrence in families. Ironically, arguments and disagreements are what build family ties to become even stronger. Living a life where virtually everyone is alike and knowing would be all too boring.
However, sometimes these family relationships go bad. I love my parents with all my heart, and it pains me to know that they will be leaving my life one day. From how my dad described his past life, I'm grateful that he lived an entertaining and happy one, but the person in my family that I worry about the most is my mom. She's been through a lot, and on some other day, I'd write it here on this blog. But right now, the person whom you are so anxious to hear about is my bro, Sam.
Sam was born humbly and grew up in an almost destitute environment. My parents were both immigrants from South Korea, and all they brought were a few suitcases and $200 US dollars. They rented a very small studio and my dad got a job as a salesman at an across-the-street supermarket. My mom just stayed home doing the usual mom-to-do's (cleaning, etc.) and just for a fun fact, my mom ended up using all the $200 she had on buying chocolate. She told me she got super fat, hah.
Anyways, my brother was born and fortunately he turned out to be a great kid. He has been getting straight-A's from first grade (Never a B or lower), won a numerous amount of awards (He was one of the people that got the PSAT scholarship!), and boy were my parents proud.
When my brother was attending high school, my parents changed churches. Supposedly, this church had a much better pastor and services. If we haven't done this, our lives today would definitely be MUCH different.
While my parents attended service at least 3 times a week, my brother hung and played with his new friends. However, these friends of his were of the bad kind. My parents were surprised to see that he his grades have dropped significantly. And one day, my mom was completely shocked to find out that his son was suspended, then expelled from school. She was even more shocked to find out that my dad tried to cover this up and hide it from her (He told her on the days that my brother got suspended, that the school was having a break or holiday). Of course, she started becoming suspicious, but then she got a call. From the school. Things weren't so good then. Chaos, drama, suicide attempts. It was just bad.
Now what's my brother doing? He's in prison. It just sucks to know that I have a criminal in my family. He's been caught three times with possession of and dealing drugs, twice for violation of probation, and once for vandalizing private property. He's also banned from at least 3 night clubs, was in many physical fights (He came home SO many times bleeding and bruised.). And to top that all off, he even got fuckin shot. Twice, one in the lungs and the other, liver. It's a miracle that he lived (his friend who got shot with him died on the way to the hospital), and I'm glad that he's living.
But sometimes, I just wish that he didn't exist. He never really did anything to benefit our family. He's had to be bailed out of jail 5 times! My parents' lifetime savings (About $135,000-They were saving for a house) completely vanished not only because of the jail bonds, but because of his gambling addiction, too. Not only did their savings completely vanish, but they went into debt, and these debts were so uncontrollable, that my parents filed bankruptcy. No matter how much trouble and pain he brought upon himself and us, he never learned his lesson. He only learned to be more careful, but apparently that didn't work out too well for him.
I hate him.
By what he did, my parents felt like failures, and they experienced undeserving trouble and pain. And because of that, they are ever-more stricter on me. They worry that I might end up being like him. What they don't know is that I hate my brother enough to the point where I don't want to be or do anything like him. That's why I don't smoke weed (however, I do drink, only at parties heheh), I make sure before I officially become friends with someone... etc. I've learned a lot from his mistakes.
He said that he will change, and that he will live a different life once he is bailed out of his mandatory prison term of 2 years. But my parents and I have heard that all too many times before. My brother's a good liar, but hopefully he isn't lying on this one.
However, sometimes these family relationships go bad. I love my parents with all my heart, and it pains me to know that they will be leaving my life one day. From how my dad described his past life, I'm grateful that he lived an entertaining and happy one, but the person in my family that I worry about the most is my mom. She's been through a lot, and on some other day, I'd write it here on this blog. But right now, the person whom you are so anxious to hear about is my bro, Sam.
Sam was born humbly and grew up in an almost destitute environment. My parents were both immigrants from South Korea, and all they brought were a few suitcases and $200 US dollars. They rented a very small studio and my dad got a job as a salesman at an across-the-street supermarket. My mom just stayed home doing the usual mom-to-do's (cleaning, etc.) and just for a fun fact, my mom ended up using all the $200 she had on buying chocolate. She told me she got super fat, hah.
Anyways, my brother was born and fortunately he turned out to be a great kid. He has been getting straight-A's from first grade (Never a B or lower), won a numerous amount of awards (He was one of the people that got the PSAT scholarship!), and boy were my parents proud.
When my brother was attending high school, my parents changed churches. Supposedly, this church had a much better pastor and services. If we haven't done this, our lives today would definitely be MUCH different.
While my parents attended service at least 3 times a week, my brother hung and played with his new friends. However, these friends of his were of the bad kind. My parents were surprised to see that he his grades have dropped significantly. And one day, my mom was completely shocked to find out that his son was suspended, then expelled from school. She was even more shocked to find out that my dad tried to cover this up and hide it from her (He told her on the days that my brother got suspended, that the school was having a break or holiday). Of course, she started becoming suspicious, but then she got a call. From the school. Things weren't so good then. Chaos, drama, suicide attempts. It was just bad.
Now what's my brother doing? He's in prison. It just sucks to know that I have a criminal in my family. He's been caught three times with possession of and dealing drugs, twice for violation of probation, and once for vandalizing private property. He's also banned from at least 3 night clubs, was in many physical fights (He came home SO many times bleeding and bruised.). And to top that all off, he even got fuckin shot. Twice, one in the lungs and the other, liver. It's a miracle that he lived (his friend who got shot with him died on the way to the hospital), and I'm glad that he's living.
But sometimes, I just wish that he didn't exist. He never really did anything to benefit our family. He's had to be bailed out of jail 5 times! My parents' lifetime savings (About $135,000-They were saving for a house) completely vanished not only because of the jail bonds, but because of his gambling addiction, too. Not only did their savings completely vanish, but they went into debt, and these debts were so uncontrollable, that my parents filed bankruptcy. No matter how much trouble and pain he brought upon himself and us, he never learned his lesson. He only learned to be more careful, but apparently that didn't work out too well for him.
I hate him.
By what he did, my parents felt like failures, and they experienced undeserving trouble and pain. And because of that, they are ever-more stricter on me. They worry that I might end up being like him. What they don't know is that I hate my brother enough to the point where I don't want to be or do anything like him. That's why I don't smoke weed (however, I do drink, only at parties heheh), I make sure before I officially become friends with someone... etc. I've learned a lot from his mistakes.
He said that he will change, and that he will live a different life once he is bailed out of his mandatory prison term of 2 years. But my parents and I have heard that all too many times before. My brother's a good liar, but hopefully he isn't lying on this one.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Phone Back, Movie Weekend
2 days without a phone. I don't know why, but I just felt naked without a phone. A phone is an important device in our daily lives, and it clears the sense of loneliness-if you're lonely and you're bored, HOLLLA @ YO HOMIE!
During this wait time, it got me into deep thinking. Society has changed. We care too much about superficial objects and qualities in life. With new technologies such as the phone, internet, television, we live much more convenient and entertaining lives. It supposedly brings people closer, but in reality, all it does is push people apart. From face-to-face conversations, we now talk to people through little gadgets. And when we could be actually having some quality time with our parents, we watch television and watch the latest hit series, or message friends by popular social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. We have become too dependent on technology, and I fear that this can have negative results on society. I can talk about this for hours, but I really want to watch The Descent now.
--------------MOVIE WEEKEND!----------------------
Seriously. tgif.
I haven't had these stressed-out weeks in a while. College apps, AP Calculus test, English essay, UC prompts, job applications and interviews. I'm worried to see myself being this busy in the future. Too bad it has to...
ANYWAYS, I came home, and took a 10 minute nap. Then jumped out, and began my movie weekend. Got a bunch of random DVD's , some from Netflix (Into the Wild, The Descent, Speed Racer), some from my old stash of retro 80's movies (Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Weird Science), and the old classics collection from my parents (The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Godfather). DAYUM that's a lot of movies!
I started off by watching Into the Wild, and wow, that was a really awesome and powerful film. I don't want to ruin it, but all I can say is that it has a great point to it. I'd love to do what he did, but I just don't have the guts to do it. If you guys haven't watch this yet, you should. TOTALLY recommend this.
Now to watch The Descent! I heard it's a really good scare flick. Better be, with the crappy scary movies Hollywood pops out these days.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Physics Teacher *sigh*
You know who I'm talkin bout.
And for those who don't know who I'm talking about... sorry. To prevent a teacher from being angry and F's, I don't want to write his name.
Screw it, his name's Mr. Kitajima.
He's my Physics teacher, and he's seriously a pain in the ass.
He's a former 8th-grade teacher, and I had high expectations from him because I've heard rumors of him having a pass rate of 80% for 8th graders taking the AP exam. That's really awesome, but I knew there was some catch. There's always some catch with good teachers. And unfortunately, I was right.
Being that it's his first year as a teacher in high school, I can sort of understand why he's strict. He abides to all school rules, and there's never a moment in that class when we can just have a break. I know for a fact that he hates our period (Period 6) the most with his freaky facial expressions (when he's angry/disappointed) and the way he treats us.
I'm just playin in cool, because this is the last year I have the chance of getting good grades and marks. I'm usually loud and loquacious (lol) in classrooms, but this year, no-no. Anyways, it's after lunch, we're re-energized and active. The most active of our class is noticeably Todd, maybe Ben and Jimmy, and from here-and-then Arnolfo. They're what keeps the class entertaining and not the least bit boring (SO PROPS TO YOU IF YOU'RE READING THIS). But Mr. K's always there to ruin the fun with his "Come see me after class" remarks and his acts of unacceptance (He glares at us. Glares.) whenever someone says something "inappropriate" or against school rules. I mean Mr. Kitajima does have some moments where he gets the class all giddy. The weekly games (Physictionary and... Physicsketball??). He does, however, do not have good jokes. Too geeky for my taste. I also love his reactions to the smartboard (WOW! WOAHHH! That's CRAZY! I love it! ...That's technology!)
And just today, he even took my phone (Thanks Amanda for texting me -_-) and before I was able to put it in my pocket, he came over, and I had to hide it like some spy. I quietly dropped it to the left side of my seat with my fatass coverin it, and then he had to play Inspector Gadget on me and went behind me. Now I glanced at his eyes, and I knew he knew that I had my phone out, but he seemed to hesitate and asked me for it about 10 seconds later. Damn, I was expecting a call, too.
Anyways, I don't want to just all bad-mouth about him, I do have to say he is a decent teacher. I'm not in AP Physics, so I can't say if he's that knowledgeable. On the day that I 'ditched' for Universal Studios, I heard that a girl in class asked him a question which he failed to answer, with his tangents and unclear answers, and ended up taking the whole class time.
I also respect that he lives a moral life. He lives by rules (good ones) and is the type of people who makes this world all the better and more peaceful.
But man, I really hope he can lighten up a little. I mean it's senior year. It's the year seniors get to mess around and be little, immature 4-year-olds.
And for those who don't know who I'm talking about... sorry. To prevent a teacher from being angry and F's, I don't want to write his name.
Screw it, his name's Mr. Kitajima.
He's my Physics teacher, and he's seriously a pain in the ass.
He's a former 8th-grade teacher, and I had high expectations from him because I've heard rumors of him having a pass rate of 80% for 8th graders taking the AP exam. That's really awesome, but I knew there was some catch. There's always some catch with good teachers. And unfortunately, I was right.
Being that it's his first year as a teacher in high school, I can sort of understand why he's strict. He abides to all school rules, and there's never a moment in that class when we can just have a break. I know for a fact that he hates our period (Period 6) the most with his freaky facial expressions (when he's angry/disappointed) and the way he treats us.
I'm just playin in cool, because this is the last year I have the chance of getting good grades and marks. I'm usually loud and loquacious (lol) in classrooms, but this year, no-no. Anyways, it's after lunch, we're re-energized and active. The most active of our class is noticeably Todd, maybe Ben and Jimmy, and from here-and-then Arnolfo. They're what keeps the class entertaining and not the least bit boring (SO PROPS TO YOU IF YOU'RE READING THIS). But Mr. K's always there to ruin the fun with his "Come see me after class" remarks and his acts of unacceptance (He glares at us. Glares.) whenever someone says something "inappropriate" or against school rules. I mean Mr. Kitajima does have some moments where he gets the class all giddy. The weekly games (Physictionary and... Physicsketball??). He does, however, do not have good jokes. Too geeky for my taste. I also love his reactions to the smartboard (WOW! WOAHHH! That's CRAZY! I love it! ...That's technology!)
And just today, he even took my phone (Thanks Amanda for texting me -_-) and before I was able to put it in my pocket, he came over, and I had to hide it like some spy. I quietly dropped it to the left side of my seat with my fatass coverin it, and then he had to play Inspector Gadget on me and went behind me. Now I glanced at his eyes, and I knew he knew that I had my phone out, but he seemed to hesitate and asked me for it about 10 seconds later. Damn, I was expecting a call, too.
Anyways, I don't want to just all bad-mouth about him, I do have to say he is a decent teacher. I'm not in AP Physics, so I can't say if he's that knowledgeable. On the day that I 'ditched' for Universal Studios, I heard that a girl in class asked him a question which he failed to answer, with his tangents and unclear answers, and ended up taking the whole class time.
I also respect that he lives a moral life. He lives by rules (good ones) and is the type of people who makes this world all the better and more peaceful.
But man, I really hope he can lighten up a little. I mean it's senior year. It's the year seniors get to mess around and be little, immature 4-year-olds.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Neighbors, Good and Bad
School ended early, and I came home a lot earlier thanks to Brittany :))
This time, I actually got to ride her car. Can't tell you how many times I passed her, and yelled for a ride with no response :(
I got home, but noticed that there were some boxes outside my next door neighbor. I kinda moved some, because they were blocking my door (I live in an apartment), and this guy behind me greeted me with "Hello, how are you?", and I knew right away that he was Indian. He talked just like Apu from the Simpsons! It was hilarious and I tried not to laugh when saying hi back. Took a little nap, and awoke to one of the weirdest smells ever. I got up and noticed that my parents still didn't come home. It smelled really weird, though, and it was strong. I wanted to know where it was coming from...
It was the new next door neighbors. T.T Indians use a lot of spice in their cuisine, so no wonder!
I also hate my other next door neighbor. She moved in about 3 weeks ago, and I saw her with a lot of instruments, specifically guitars. What's worse was they were electrical. Anyways, I assumed that she wasn't going to play it much. And if she was, she'd play it on low volume...
...I was wrong. That woman played LOUD, and she sucked too. And her singing with her disturbing, husky voice just puts the cherry on top.
Hmm... Now that I'm on topic about neighbors, I might as well give you a full profile of who lives near me in my apartment complex. There are the two that I wrote above. There is also a man who looks like he's in his 30's that plays World of Warcraft and smokes nonstop while talking to other players over a communications program (most likely Ventrilo.)... It's annoying as hell, and he always does it at night.
Then there's a guy in his 20's who lives across from me. His wall is completely covered with posters... If I can remember correctly, there were Juno, Back to the Future, the Dark Knight, Superman, Donnie Darko, Spiderman, Hockey players, and a Canadian flag. Ayyy! So he be Canadian, eh?? I knew I smelled maple syrup!
Then there's the other Asian family. They speak Chinese, so I'm pretty sure they're Chinese. There only seems to be a little girl along with her parents that live there. Everyday at 6, I always hear Twinkle Little Star being played on the violin. There was this one time though, where I heard the parents arguing. I only understood a few things. It was funny.
The last neighbor I know of are these two roommates that go to UCLA. They keep to themselves, so I don't know much about them. I do hear Rise Against the Machine being played from their room few times a week, though.
DAMMMMNNN DA HELL, I get distracted too easily.
I gotta go do homework and eat, me howngry big time.
This time, I actually got to ride her car. Can't tell you how many times I passed her, and yelled for a ride with no response :(
I got home, but noticed that there were some boxes outside my next door neighbor. I kinda moved some, because they were blocking my door (I live in an apartment), and this guy behind me greeted me with "Hello, how are you?", and I knew right away that he was Indian. He talked just like Apu from the Simpsons! It was hilarious and I tried not to laugh when saying hi back. Took a little nap, and awoke to one of the weirdest smells ever. I got up and noticed that my parents still didn't come home. It smelled really weird, though, and it was strong. I wanted to know where it was coming from...
It was the new next door neighbors. T.T Indians use a lot of spice in their cuisine, so no wonder!
I also hate my other next door neighbor. She moved in about 3 weeks ago, and I saw her with a lot of instruments, specifically guitars. What's worse was they were electrical. Anyways, I assumed that she wasn't going to play it much. And if she was, she'd play it on low volume...
...I was wrong. That woman played LOUD, and she sucked too. And her singing with her disturbing, husky voice just puts the cherry on top.
Hmm... Now that I'm on topic about neighbors, I might as well give you a full profile of who lives near me in my apartment complex. There are the two that I wrote above. There is also a man who looks like he's in his 30's that plays World of Warcraft and smokes nonstop while talking to other players over a communications program (most likely Ventrilo.)... It's annoying as hell, and he always does it at night.
Then there's a guy in his 20's who lives across from me. His wall is completely covered with posters... If I can remember correctly, there were Juno, Back to the Future, the Dark Knight, Superman, Donnie Darko, Spiderman, Hockey players, and a Canadian flag. Ayyy! So he be Canadian, eh?? I knew I smelled maple syrup!
Then there's the other Asian family. They speak Chinese, so I'm pretty sure they're Chinese. There only seems to be a little girl along with her parents that live there. Everyday at 6, I always hear Twinkle Little Star being played on the violin. There was this one time though, where I heard the parents arguing. I only understood a few things. It was funny.
The last neighbor I know of are these two roommates that go to UCLA. They keep to themselves, so I don't know much about them. I do hear Rise Against the Machine being played from their room few times a week, though.
DAMMMMNNN DA HELL, I get distracted too easily.
I gotta go do homework and eat, me howngry big time.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Horror Nights, A Lost Phone, A Lost Someone
Halloween Horror Nights. At Universal Studios. Ditched Mr. Kitajima's class for it, met up with Amanda, Victor, Carol, Ema, Kelly, and Gabi. Jimmy had to pick his lil sista up, so he came later. So it was the eight of us. Took several buses, then went on.. THE FRIGGIN SUBWAY. MAN THAT WAS SO AWESOME. Haven't taken the subway in such a long time! It was pretty creepy down there. But yeah, that place is just win. It would've normally taken us about 20 minutes by car to get there, but we just took the subway and VROOOM! BAM! got there in like 5 minutes.
Got in, went to a pole, and we just started randomly spinning around it. People stared. We stopped, and took seats. We just waited, did some random stuff, Amanda got on the pole and started actin like a stripper. Almost went blind. JK. Hahaha
Arrived at Universal Studios, and got to the tram. Sat and waited. It came, and voila! Universal Studios. Went in, bought tickets, 44 buckaroos! and got Panda Express (THANKS EMA! :D ) Finished eating, went to go in line. Jimmy came. We all got through and got in another line. And just waited. Then laughed at Ema's picture. Then talked about random topics. Then it ticked 7 and we just started linejumpin people. Got in, and ran to a locker, put our stuff in (My camera in, too, so I couldn't take any pictures of what happened afterwards) and ran towards The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was real scary. Then we went into the Mummy Ride, and there was NO LINE at all!
Afterwards we ran to Jurassic Park, and got in. Right when I got on, I noticed that the little lump in my blue pajama pants was missing. (It must've fallen out of the Mummy Ride!) To my demise, my phone disappeared, and getting wet just made the situation even more aggravating. Anyways, we got out, and I just ran to go check if my phone was there, and it wasn't T.T I got back out, and my friends weren't there. I checked. And checked. And checked! And I just ran up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs. I got lost for about 3 hours. I felt bad. I found them by chance when they were walking down the stairs.
Turned out that they went to security to tell them to look for me, but they told me they lost interest when they told security I was 17! But they described me to be Asian, a Bruce Lee brown shirt with blue plaid pajama pants. Now, I passed by about 20 security guards, and I doubt there were others who wore the same clothes I did.
Anyways, the day just got bad by then. I lost a good phone, I ruined a friend's birthday, I made all my friends upset and worried and not being able to ride any rides, etc. We continued on and waited in line for the Jason maze. That maze sucked. NO one screamed. Everything was just predictable and there was nothing really scary in there.
We then went to Bill & Ted's Halloween Adventure, and damnnn that show was off the heeeeezzyy! It was really cool how they fused and incorporated every aspect of pop culture to a single show. They included the presidential debate (McCain and Obama had a dance off), Hilary Clinton showed off her bra, Juno was Sarah Palin's daughter, a dude that looked like he was from Dragonball Z showed up and tried to get an artifact from Indiana Jones, then Rambo popped up, and then all of a sudden the girls from Sex and the City showed up. It was just all real random, but entertaining. Oh, and Miley Cyrus was about to be killed. That got the crowd even more excited HA. Forgot others. Then at the end, it was all a concert with songs from Miley Cyrus, Ne-Yo, P!nk, Katy Perry, Flo Rida, Janet Jackson, etc. It was just awesome.
After that it was bye-bye Universal and hello home. Got in dad's car, went home, and it was just catchin ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's from there.
It was a good-bad day. Anyways, hopefully history won't repeat itself.
Homework time HOLLAAA
Got in, went to a pole, and we just started randomly spinning around it. People stared. We stopped, and took seats. We just waited, did some random stuff, Amanda got on the pole and started actin like a stripper. Almost went blind. JK. Hahaha
Arrived at Universal Studios, and got to the tram. Sat and waited. It came, and voila! Universal Studios. Went in, bought tickets, 44 buckaroos! and got Panda Express (THANKS EMA! :D ) Finished eating, went to go in line. Jimmy came. We all got through and got in another line. And just waited. Then laughed at Ema's picture. Then talked about random topics. Then it ticked 7 and we just started linejumpin people. Got in, and ran to a locker, put our stuff in (My camera in, too, so I couldn't take any pictures of what happened afterwards) and ran towards The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was real scary. Then we went into the Mummy Ride, and there was NO LINE at all!
Afterwards we ran to Jurassic Park, and got in. Right when I got on, I noticed that the little lump in my blue pajama pants was missing. (It must've fallen out of the Mummy Ride!) To my demise, my phone disappeared, and getting wet just made the situation even more aggravating. Anyways, we got out, and I just ran to go check if my phone was there, and it wasn't T.T I got back out, and my friends weren't there. I checked. And checked. And checked! And I just ran up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs. I got lost for about 3 hours. I felt bad. I found them by chance when they were walking down the stairs.
Turned out that they went to security to tell them to look for me, but they told me they lost interest when they told security I was 17! But they described me to be Asian, a Bruce Lee brown shirt with blue plaid pajama pants. Now, I passed by about 20 security guards, and I doubt there were others who wore the same clothes I did.
Anyways, the day just got bad by then. I lost a good phone, I ruined a friend's birthday, I made all my friends upset and worried and not being able to ride any rides, etc. We continued on and waited in line for the Jason maze. That maze sucked. NO one screamed. Everything was just predictable and there was nothing really scary in there.
We then went to Bill & Ted's Halloween Adventure, and damnnn that show was off the heeeeezzyy! It was really cool how they fused and incorporated every aspect of pop culture to a single show. They included the presidential debate (McCain and Obama had a dance off), Hilary Clinton showed off her bra, Juno was Sarah Palin's daughter, a dude that looked like he was from Dragonball Z showed up and tried to get an artifact from Indiana Jones, then Rambo popped up, and then all of a sudden the girls from Sex and the City showed up. It was just all real random, but entertaining. Oh, and Miley Cyrus was about to be killed. That got the crowd even more excited HA. Forgot others. Then at the end, it was all a concert with songs from Miley Cyrus, Ne-Yo, P!nk, Katy Perry, Flo Rida, Janet Jackson, etc. It was just awesome.
After that it was bye-bye Universal and hello home. Got in dad's car, went home, and it was just catchin ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's from there.
It was a good-bad day. Anyways, hopefully history won't repeat itself.
Homework time HOLLAAA
Sunday, October 12, 2008
yard sale, church, and sat registration
Yesterday was Oakgrove Yard Sale. It went awesome. Sold many things, even a lawnmower! :O
-_- This morning was a usual Sunday morning. Wake up at 11 and argue with my mom why I have to go to church. Because you see, I ain't Christian or religious. But my mom's hardcore, and she's like "Oh Lord have mercy! My son's been tempted and swayed by the Devil!", and she says it is her holy duty to convert me back to a Christian. It's STOOPID TO DA MAXXXXX. I've already made it official that I was atheist about a year ago, and it's been like this almost every single Sunday... I don't want to argue with my mom, but it is really annoying to be forced to do things I don't want to do. Religion, religion...
I have a good SAT score, so all I have to do is take SAT subject tests (SAT 2). I was planning on taking the November test, but to my demise, the deadline was October 10. Yeah, you read that right, two days ago. I was pissed big time. Those of you reading might be thinking "Just take the next one." I wish it was that simple. I was planning on taking a language test (SAT Korean) and Collegeboard only gives that test on November. How fortunate. The other SAT 2 I'm taking is Math 2 C, but I got that part downnnnn.
I registered for the SAT 2's on Dec 6. I registered for Math 2 c, but had to find a second test to take, because UC's require at least 2 to be taken. So I went eenie-meenie-maini-mo on the other categories. First it was Spanish (QUE?! Yo no se espanol!), then Chemistry (LOL MS. SALIBIAN NO WAY), then Biology. 'Hm, I got a 3 on the AP Bio test, and Mr. Siegel was a great teacher. Should I take it?' It's been 3 years, I probably forgot everything. OH WELL, I just signed up for it.
CRAPOLA so many things to do. Gotta go buy some prep books from B&N, HOLLA
-_- This morning was a usual Sunday morning. Wake up at 11 and argue with my mom why I have to go to church. Because you see, I ain't Christian or religious. But my mom's hardcore, and she's like "Oh Lord have mercy! My son's been tempted and swayed by the Devil!", and she says it is her holy duty to convert me back to a Christian. It's STOOPID TO DA MAXXXXX. I've already made it official that I was atheist about a year ago, and it's been like this almost every single Sunday... I don't want to argue with my mom, but it is really annoying to be forced to do things I don't want to do. Religion, religion...
I have a good SAT score, so all I have to do is take SAT subject tests (SAT 2). I was planning on taking the November test, but to my demise, the deadline was October 10. Yeah, you read that right, two days ago. I was pissed big time. Those of you reading might be thinking "Just take the next one." I wish it was that simple. I was planning on taking a language test (SAT Korean) and Collegeboard only gives that test on November. How fortunate. The other SAT 2 I'm taking is Math 2 C, but I got that part downnnnn.
I registered for the SAT 2's on Dec 6. I registered for Math 2 c, but had to find a second test to take, because UC's require at least 2 to be taken. So I went eenie-meenie-maini-mo on the other categories. First it was Spanish (QUE?! Yo no se espanol!), then Chemistry (LOL MS. SALIBIAN NO WAY), then Biology. 'Hm, I got a 3 on the AP Bio test, and Mr. Siegel was a great teacher. Should I take it?' It's been 3 years, I probably forgot everything. OH WELL, I just signed up for it.
CRAPOLA so many things to do. Gotta go buy some prep books from B&N, HOLLA
Friday, October 10, 2008
Looking for clothes in a closet... GONE WRONG!

Oh man. That was disgusting as hell.
I was looking in my parents' closet to pick some clothes to donate to the Oakgrove Yard Sale tomorrow (Woo :D), and I noticed that a lot of the clothes that my dad had had holes and white residue on them... To see what had caused this, I embarked on an investigation to find and destroy those pesky little insects! My parents had a large amount of clothes (They've been keeping clothes from the 80's..) and I was wriggling through the hills of musty old clothes. There were no signs of any bugs on the ground. So I looked up. I was looking through them... A suitcase, pillows, a wool blanket, purses... WAIT A MINUTE! A WOOL BLANKET? OMFG... I stood on my tippy-toes and I threw the suitcase that was on top of the blanket off. And FROOOOOM INSECT SWARM CHAOTIC PANDEMONIUM. I was freaking screaming my ass off, and the suitcase fell off from the top shelf and broke one of the hangar holders off and most of the clothes dropped to the ground. There were freaking 8374283749999 to the 10000 power of bugSSSSSSSs that swarmed towards me, and I ran out of the closet (It's a walk-in closet) and I closed the door. I panicked and ran around my home looking for a solution. And then there was Raid, the Instant Insect Killing Spray with Outdoor Fresh Scent. I grabbed it and I opened the closet door, and SPRSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I think I used like 2/3 of the can.... ANYWAYS, I closed back the door, and waited about 20 minutes for it to kill all those stupid bugs!

Except the closet was a total mess, and there were bugs everywhere on the ground... I'm screwed when my parents get here.. Luckily, they're at church praisin the Lord Almighty until 10:30... I got some time.
But man... THAT WAS FUCKING TERRIFYING OH MY JESUSSSS.... I did some research a few minutes ago, and I found out what those nasty little bugs were..

You gotta love Raid.
Glad that's over... NOW TO GO CLEAN UP THE CLOSET... *#&$*#$@$#^!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
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