Currently doing: commenting on Rachael (Raqel) Dodd's status of being a cherry on top of a universe cake and asking if I can eat her.
Currently listening to: Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Yesterday around at 4, i did something that could possibly change my life: clicking the button "Submit". It was for University of California college admissions applications. I applied to all UCs except for Berkeley and Los Angeles, because my private tutor said that I was going to get rejected with my 3.0 (weighted) GPA, 1930 SAT score, and SAT M2C 660 (To be taken again and going to take SAT 2 Biology next Saturday SHITTT).
My personal statement was okay. Totally BS'ed it though. In the first one, I said that I was this complete loner with a negligent family who suddenly became this generous and social person after going to Oakgrove HAHAHAHa. Second one was about me getting lost in an airport in a foreign country, therefore my desire of becoming a psychologist or possibly a translator. Yeah. They're all cheesy as hell, but whatever, I AIN'T GOT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT SHIT NOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Happy like a mudda right now. Well not really. I need a JOB right now, and there is a job posting for Yogurtland that JUST opened in Sawtelle Place. It's perfect for me because I only have to take one bus route there, or I could just walk, and it just opened meaning lots of job openings. I might apply there for part-time. I really need money and I felt bad that I couldnt buy my mom anything for her birthday last Friday.. My mom actually didn't get any presents at all.. We just celebrated at this place called Kaya Sushi (right across from Costco/ In-n-out). That place was good , but expensive. But yeah, I need a lot of things. Christmas presents, and especially some new clothes. I was doing the laundry yesterday and found out that I had 3 boxers with ripped slits in it.. Yeah. Maybe it was my cat, or maybe my ass is just getting bigger. Idk, but i need more fitting clothes.
I might go right now for the application or not. Idk, I keep postponing things out of fear when there really isn't anything to be scared about.. lol
got awesome bands playing. looking forward to the Histories, Nephews and Koalacast. Definitely.
Gonna be awesome, and Im taking some pictures. WOOOOO
Current Status: Clicking publish post and writing "Current status: pushing publish post and writing twice" twice.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
25 Ways - Thanksgiving Full of HATE
this thanksgiving day sucked big time.
worst ive ever had.
1.) I woke up, not naturally or not by my alarm clock, but by my mom punching me in the arm
2.) she tells me TODAY at 7 in the morning, that i was gonna go to a financial aid meeting at 9.
3.) I wash up and dress, then she tells me that i can just stay and she will go with my dad
4.) i say okay and im just revising my UC apps and about to turn them in
5.) i get a call from my mom, and she was pissed off that i didnt come with WTF?! Uhhh YOU were the one that told me i could stay. She tells me to just send the apps
6.) I revise my personal statements and put it on the website, BUT...
7.) i get a call from my mom again telling me not to send the apps.
8.) Confused and annoyyed as hell, I hang up
9.) mom comes home and starts bitching about how im not gonna get into a college (hey, have you ever thought there might be a COMMUNITY COLLEGE which guarantees 150% acceptance rate?) and how she thinks i might not be able to graduate at all. sorry but im well over my requirements for graduating.
10.) she starts fighting with my dad
11.) she starts arguing with me back
12.) she reads her book called "17 ways of being a better you" YEAH UHH WTF
13.) she starts arguing with my dad again
14.) I watch Requiem for a Dream (REALLY good movie by the way. depressing, but really good.) and she starts arguing with me telling me that im for SURE not going to get into a college if i just watch movies all day (WELL UMM THIS IS A 4 DAY WEEKEND, and i aint got much homework. just gimme some space FUCK)
15.) I hear my dad get out of the house
16.) I panicked because i thought he left for the week or something (he usually leaves and stays at a hotel if he gets in a bad mood with my momma)
17.) i hear him come back
18.) he was holding some bag
19.) it was KFC
20.) he said happy thanksgiving
21.) and my mom was like "no thanks."
23.) ate, while my mom slept beacuse she had this "headache". trust me, mom i have this huge headache from you and you dont see me sleeping. i have to deal with it.
24.) i feel like shit right now. this sort of day's REALLY uncommon, and having it happen on THANKSGIVING just sucks. ughh whatever
25.) good bye.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
PHEW that feels much better now that i got that shit outta my system.
anyways guys, sorry about the hiatus. with all the drama and crap to do, i forgot i had a blog goin. i don't think im gonna update my blog as much this week because of college apps and homework, but i'll try.
hmmm ill try to remember anything good to write about.. uhhh.. oh yeah
November 19, 2008
Wednesday. 9 PM
phone rings. it's a call from the marines, WTF? I never signed up for that crap, but it turns out you had to sign a document that says you're not interested. tricky tricky government. as usual.
anyways, i get this call from this dude named ben hall or whatever, and he started asking me all these personal questions. Height? Weight? Any tattoos? Done any drugs? Broken any bones? Criminal records? Majoring in what? Applying to which colleges? Financial aid? Etc etc, and stupidly i answered all of them. i was confused as to what was going on, and the next thing i know, i got an appointment scheduled for the next day. uhhh ok, bye.
then it's thursday MINIMUM DAY!!! it was so cool, time flew by SO FAST at school! anyways, i go home, but then guess what. I left my keys at home. So it's around 1 and im waiting outside the front gate (i live in an apartment) waiting for someone to maybe open it. someone did, and i waited inside the lobby... so i just played games on my itouch, until this dude wearing some army uniform arrives on the front door.
so he motions me to open it, and i do and he asks me "hey do you know Daniel Bae?" i was like "Yeah, i do." he replied "Oh you do? Do you know where he is?" I said "I'm him"
rofl kinda hilarious but yeah he tells me to get my stuff so we can talk outside. then i started telling him that i wasnt interested to join, but he was stubborn so he kept tryign to recruit me. but then i said that i was very liberal and anti-war, so it wouldn't be for me, then he was like OHhhhhh okay. and just leaves. WTF LOL hilarious conversation. then he goes into his little mini cooper car (LOL?) and leaves. uh yeah. okay. done with that shit.
but then again, remember i have no key? so now im outside and back to where i started. thanks a bunch mr.! anyways, my dad comes and opens the door. yay.
uhh that's pretty much all that i can think of right now, and my fingers hurt so tune in next time to Daniel Bae's blog! That's all folks!
anyways guys, sorry about the hiatus. with all the drama and crap to do, i forgot i had a blog goin. i don't think im gonna update my blog as much this week because of college apps and homework, but i'll try.
hmmm ill try to remember anything good to write about.. uhhh.. oh yeah
November 19, 2008
Wednesday. 9 PM
phone rings. it's a call from the marines, WTF? I never signed up for that crap, but it turns out you had to sign a document that says you're not interested. tricky tricky government. as usual.
anyways, i get this call from this dude named ben hall or whatever, and he started asking me all these personal questions. Height? Weight? Any tattoos? Done any drugs? Broken any bones? Criminal records? Majoring in what? Applying to which colleges? Financial aid? Etc etc, and stupidly i answered all of them. i was confused as to what was going on, and the next thing i know, i got an appointment scheduled for the next day. uhhh ok, bye.
then it's thursday MINIMUM DAY!!! it was so cool, time flew by SO FAST at school! anyways, i go home, but then guess what. I left my keys at home. So it's around 1 and im waiting outside the front gate (i live in an apartment) waiting for someone to maybe open it. someone did, and i waited inside the lobby... so i just played games on my itouch, until this dude wearing some army uniform arrives on the front door.
so he motions me to open it, and i do and he asks me "hey do you know Daniel Bae?" i was like "Yeah, i do." he replied "Oh you do? Do you know where he is?" I said "I'm him"
rofl kinda hilarious but yeah he tells me to get my stuff so we can talk outside. then i started telling him that i wasnt interested to join, but he was stubborn so he kept tryign to recruit me. but then i said that i was very liberal and anti-war, so it wouldn't be for me, then he was like OHhhhhh okay. and just leaves. WTF LOL hilarious conversation. then he goes into his little mini cooper car (LOL?) and leaves. uh yeah. okay. done with that shit.
but then again, remember i have no key? so now im outside and back to where i started. thanks a bunch mr.! anyways, my dad comes and opens the door. yay.
uhh that's pretty much all that i can think of right now, and my fingers hurt so tune in next time to Daniel Bae's blog! That's all folks!
FUCK religion
fuck man, hardcore religious people can be one of the nicest or bitchiest people on the planet.
depends if you yourself is religious.
as many of you might know, i'm ATHEIST.
you hear that mama? ATHEIST.
according the :
–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
what part of that don't you understand? oops sorry, i forgot you suck at English. well let me break it down to the level of a 1 year old: ME NO BELIEVE GOD KK?
this happens EVERY Sunday and it is just fuckin annoying as hell. the day of the week that i is almost assured to be a bad one all thanks to you.
I mean i love you mom, but you're too blinded to see reality because of religion. And just because i don't believe in god, doesn't mean I'm "weird". and NO i can assure you there is no evil spirit mongering in my body, I am Daniel. i'm still myself. you might think you're doing a good deed for god of getting one extra dude to convert to christianity , but i'm sure he didn't think by means of bitching and forcing one to do so.
give it a break woman. i know you had a tough life, but don't unleash all your shit onto me. i have tons of my own shit to take care of.
go write a journal or do whatever it is that pleasures you. just don't have me as an option.
fuck man, hardcore religious people can be one of the nicest or bitchiest people on the planet.
depends if you yourself is religious.
as many of you might know, i'm ATHEIST.
you hear that mama? ATHEIST.
according the :
[ey-thee-ist]–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
what part of that don't you understand? oops sorry, i forgot you suck at English. well let me break it down to the level of a 1 year old: ME NO BELIEVE GOD KK?
this happens EVERY Sunday and it is just fuckin annoying as hell. the day of the week that i is almost assured to be a bad one all thanks to you.
I mean i love you mom, but you're too blinded to see reality because of religion. And just because i don't believe in god, doesn't mean I'm "weird". and NO i can assure you there is no evil spirit mongering in my body, I am Daniel. i'm still myself. you might think you're doing a good deed for god of getting one extra dude to convert to christianity , but i'm sure he didn't think by means of bitching and forcing one to do so.
give it a break woman. i know you had a tough life, but don't unleash all your shit onto me. i have tons of my own shit to take care of.
go write a journal or do whatever it is that pleasures you. just don't have me as an option.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hope. Change. Progress.
Words that we can finally trust.
1st black president Obama. 44th president.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I knew America wasn't that "dumb" as other countries over the world see us to be.
I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and I am fuckin honored to live to see a black president win. Excited.
But I'm pissed that I wasn't able to participate in the actual voting process. I'm 17, missed the election by a year. Venice High did a mock election today, with virtually everyone voting Obama/Biden. But it wasn't much. Everyone already knew who won. OBAMA
Congrats Mr. Obama, you deserve it. Hopefully, you won't be assassinated as many people predict to happen. America needs change.
Words that we can finally trust.
1st black president Obama. 44th president.
To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I knew America wasn't that "dumb" as other countries over the world see us to be.
I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and I am fuckin honored to live to see a black president win. Excited.
But I'm pissed that I wasn't able to participate in the actual voting process. I'm 17, missed the election by a year. Venice High did a mock election today, with virtually everyone voting Obama/Biden. But it wasn't much. Everyone already knew who won. OBAMA
Congrats Mr. Obama, you deserve it. Hopefully, you won't be assassinated as many people predict to happen. America needs change.
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