Some random thoughts on my mind...
SOOOOOOOOOO, we found out who our substitute for our previous substitute that was supposed to substitute for the whole year for Ms. Kraft was. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Deitz. Oh man. Mr. "Mind, Body, Soul"/"Only boring people are bored." This guy talks more about himself and his philosophical views than teaches... But oh wellio. BRING ON THE AP ART HISTORY TEST YARRRR..?
Today we were talking about punctuation in quotations for almost half an hour in Mr. Kitajima. Basically the warm-up said, How would you define "work?". Someone said that the question mark should be outside. I thought that, too.. We were going pretty nuts over it. KJ almost conisdered even hittin' up Ms. Votto. Hahaha. I think it's outside, though, no? Like if you said, Did Laquisha say "I'm tired?", because then Laquisha would be asking if she was tired, and people don't usually ask themselves if they're tired, so that's why I think it should be outside, since it's a question, and holllllyyy sheeeeiitt, i'm so confused adskdjklasjdklasdjsa.".
That's some serious shit!
I read that Mexico closed down ALL schools and subways, and advised people to stay at home...
Just imagine that. Walking on a deserted street with a couple of people wearing surgeon masks, and flyers saying "QUARANTINE" (Or QUARANTINO! in Spanish maybe..?) all over the ground and walls.. Like some zombie invasion..
Anyways, I hope that crap gets sorted out and doesn't end up killing too many people.. There's this similar flu that went around in 1915 that killed 20--40 million people.
Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.
I'm really up for eating some good Italian pasta right now.
UGH, I wish AP's and finals were just over already...
NOTE TO SELF: Remember to take the Placement test at SMC.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
These next few weeks are going to be a huge pain...
AP exams.. oi.
I already know I'm not going to pass AP Calculus (I also need 216 more points to pass the class with a D. Now that's somethin' you don't hear often, eh?), and I'm not sure if I'm going to pass AP Art History. You see, our long-term substitute, Ms. Cleveland, got "fired". No, she didn't smack talk or jump a student, she just didn't renew her credentials in time. So now we're going to get another substitute to substitute the substitute that substituted Ms. Kraft.
Finals.. oi.
I haven't really been paying attention in any of my classes..
Brother coming back... oi.
My brother's been in prison for about a year, and now he's returning to screw all our lives up again on May 5th, my dad's birthday. Dad says it's the best present he'll ever receive. I'd say it's the worst. Not lookin' forward to it at all. Don't want to get into specifics.
These next few weeks are going to be a huge pain...
AP exams.. oi.
I already know I'm not going to pass AP Calculus (I also need 216 more points to pass the class with a D. Now that's somethin' you don't hear often, eh?), and I'm not sure if I'm going to pass AP Art History. You see, our long-term substitute, Ms. Cleveland, got "fired". No, she didn't smack talk or jump a student, she just didn't renew her credentials in time. So now we're going to get another substitute to substitute the substitute that substituted Ms. Kraft.
Finals.. oi.
I haven't really been paying attention in any of my classes..
Brother coming back... oi.
My brother's been in prison for about a year, and now he's returning to screw all our lives up again on May 5th, my dad's birthday. Dad says it's the best present he'll ever receive. I'd say it's the worst. Not lookin' forward to it at all. Don't want to get into specifics.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wishlist #1

OH COOL, an Canon HD Camcorder! At the price of.. holy moly.
Wowzers to the max.
As of now, I only have $106 which I recently cashed from a paycheck for working at the polls (No, not POLES. POLLS. I wouldn't sell my body for a cent. (Unless if it was like a gazillion or something, but something tells me that won't happen))
I want to get one before Oakgrove starts, so that I can make an Office-themed Oakgrove video. That'd be tizight.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Countries I Want to Go To Before I Die :(
If I could, I would travel to every single country in the world. But then of course, there are many limitations like our life expectancy, governments, money, etc.

For my top 5 destinations:
Brazil (For the sexy peeps and food)
New England (For their accents)
Fiji (For its beaches and leaf skirts)
India (For its food and Bollywood!)
Thailand (For its food and cheap prostitutes (I'm kidding))
I love going to exotic places and these countries seem to fit that criterion.
Other countries I'd like to visit (In no particular order)
France (So I can act like the typical American and make their heads explode with rage)
China (It's basically like 10093003 different areas all jumbled up. You can travel there all your life and still not finish going to all the tourist spots)
Germany (For the beer, parties, beer, and beer)
Israel (To disprove Christianity (jk). Just to see the birthplace of the religion that shaped the world)
North Korea (Aren't you just curious?)
South Korea (It's my ethnic country. Who wouldn't want to learn more about themselves?)
Italy (To see the nude sculptures and of course, the food)
Kenya (To go safari'ing and learn how they invented Basketball and Hip-Hop)
Djibouti (Just because of its name)
Morocco (Just cuz I heard good things about it. I heard a cup of coffee costs $10, though)
Spain (Just interested in going there)
Australia (So I can find kangaroos and sit in their pouch while they hop)
Russia (Soviet Russia! Vodka! Babushka!)
Mexico (It's a few hundred miles from here, and I still haven't gone. Wowzers)
Denmark (To see why they're the happiest people on Earth)
Jamaica (Yaaaa mon, yo expirience be amezzzin mon!)
Egypt (So I can ride camels and see pyramids while I'm at it)
Chile (Mmmmm.... chili)
Japan (Konnichiwa, Sushi, Arigato Mr. Roboto)
United Arab Emirates (Oil capital and mega urbanization)
Iceland (Because it's the place where fine artists like Bjork and Sigur Ros were born)
Ireland (According to a Facebook quiz)
Antarctica (So I can see what the world was like 99999999 years ago)
That's all that I can think of right now. Again, if I could, I'd go to every single country (There's 195). But there's obviously a lot of factors that inhibit us from doing so. Unless you're a 20 year-old billionaire. Hopefully I get to go to all the countries I listed above here, though. And holy moly, that's one long list...

For my top 5 destinations:
Brazil (For the sexy peeps and food)
New England (For their accents)
Fiji (For its beaches and leaf skirts)
India (For its food and Bollywood!)
Thailand (For its food and cheap prostitutes (I'm kidding))
I love going to exotic places and these countries seem to fit that criterion.
Other countries I'd like to visit (In no particular order)
France (So I can act like the typical American and make their heads explode with rage)
China (It's basically like 10093003 different areas all jumbled up. You can travel there all your life and still not finish going to all the tourist spots)
Germany (For the beer, parties, beer, and beer)
Israel (To disprove Christianity (jk). Just to see the birthplace of the religion that shaped the world)
North Korea (Aren't you just curious?)
South Korea (It's my ethnic country. Who wouldn't want to learn more about themselves?)
Italy (To see the nude sculptures and of course, the food)
Kenya (To go safari'ing and learn how they invented Basketball and Hip-Hop)
Djibouti (Just because of its name)
Morocco (Just cuz I heard good things about it. I heard a cup of coffee costs $10, though)
Spain (Just interested in going there)
Australia (So I can find kangaroos and sit in their pouch while they hop)
Russia (Soviet Russia! Vodka! Babushka!)
Mexico (It's a few hundred miles from here, and I still haven't gone. Wowzers)
Denmark (To see why they're the happiest people on Earth)
Jamaica (Yaaaa mon, yo expirience be amezzzin mon!)
Egypt (So I can ride camels and see pyramids while I'm at it)
Chile (Mmmmm.... chili)
Japan (Konnichiwa, Sushi, Arigato Mr. Roboto)
United Arab Emirates (Oil capital and mega urbanization)
Iceland (Because it's the place where fine artists like Bjork and Sigur Ros were born)
Ireland (According to a Facebook quiz)
Antarctica (So I can see what the world was like 99999999 years ago)
That's all that I can think of right now. Again, if I could, I'd go to every single country (There's 195). But there's obviously a lot of factors that inhibit us from doing so. Unless you're a 20 year-old billionaire. Hopefully I get to go to all the countries I listed above here, though. And holy moly, that's one long list...
Monday, April 6, 2009
What's really out there?

6 billion people.
We describe Earth to be this complex, diverse, and huuuuuuuuge society.
But if you think about it.. We're really not.
I sleep on a bed that's right in front of a window. Sometimes I'd play some ambient music and stare up into the sky, and.. just think.
Sometimes I'd just think about random things like why penguins can't fly or how the color of crayons are named (Ocean spray mist blue? wtf?)
Most of the time, though, it'd be about philosophical topics or about life.
What's really out there?
If we think 6 billion people is big, think about 6 billion galaxies. We're actually really small in comparison.
If we think our society is extremely complex, try our whole universe.
It's just way too much for me, and it especially sucks for me, because I'm one of those people that's searching for the purpose of life. I'm atheist, so I don't believe in creationism and the "Let there be man, then SHAZAM, and let there be animals, then POOF, and let there be light, then KWABOOM" stuff. I think I'd just stick with the theory of us evolving from apes, fish, and bacteria.

I'm pretty sure there's someone just like me thinking about the same thing at this moment.
It's hella big out there, and it'd be an awful waste of space if we're the only living beings in it.
There's no doubt a lot of mysteries waiting to be solved.
I don't know, and I'd probably never know. All I know is, I'm going to just live life. Life is the biggest once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we're given, and I'm going to try my best to get the most out of it.
I've gotten into Astronomy lately, and I think I'm gonna take a class about it in college. I recently watched a really cool sci-fi flick called Sunshine. It's centered around a group who are on a save-the-world mission by reigniting the sun. It's not like the regular sci-fi flicks that focuses heavily on CGI and shit, but this focuses more on human mentality and the relationships we have with each other. It's super awesome, you guys should watch it.
Anyways, yeah. I have loads more to say, and I'd probably save that for a post in the near future. It's pretty late now.
Time to go wonder why penguins can't fly.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Springin' & Breakin'

Oh yeah!
I've been looking forward to it for SOOOOOO long, and I'm finally glad it's here
...except there isn't much to do, because everyone is out of town touring schools or just vacationing
Well, it'll get better after everyone gets back I guess... I reallyyy hope so, because if not, this will probably be one of the worst spring break's I've had yet!
I used to think spring break was so bomb, like daily parties and beach trips, but I think that happens only in colleges.. Like this picture above. That's where I should be, maaan! Oh well. If you guys want to hang, hit me up and I'll try my best to think of fun things to do.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'm sooooooo down to...

I've been there once, and it was creepy. It wasn't in a stadium or even inside a building.
The one I went to was in a random secluded forest
It was all a last-minute thing
My friend got a call about it, and we decided to go since we were in a car with nothing better to do
There were 4 of us, and we went to some forest near Los Feliz
We arrived around midnight
We thought no one was there at first, probably got caught by the police..
We made a U-turn, that's until I saw some weird things on the ground
Those weird things were people laying on the ground
I'm not sure what was going on, but they seemed dead, and I think they were just knocked out or something
BAD first time experience
I'M so down to go again. Anyone down to go with me?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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