you know, lately i've been having these weird mind exploration phases
i can't seem to stop thinking about heavy duty shit
when i'm lying in bed looking at the sky from my window, i try to wonder what's happening out there
i think.. no, i'm certain, that there's life out there. or there's something that just isn't able to be explained by the human mind
we can come up with theories and interpretations but never a definite answer
it's so amusing to find that we human beings are so intrigued by such superficialities when in truth we should be intrigued by the naturalities and complexities of life
(play this video while you're reading this. it matches so well)
this one night, i was blazed as fuck and sat on a beach at night
the star studded sky looked amazing.. i wish there wasn't as much light pollution in the sky in the city
but anyways, as i stared up into the sky, i literally felt like i was flying through space
no joke.
the ambient repetitive sounds of the ocean waves crashing into the sand put me into this trance, and somehow the twinkling stars seemed to move around'
once i snapped out of this trance, i began to ponder how drugs are able to affect our mind to cause it to perceive this alternate reality
then i thought, how is the mind created in the first place?
everything about our body has a physical state.... except our mind.
how is it that the most beautiful part of our body has no physical state to it?
how does the tangible brain affect the intangible mind?
as many of you may know, i was a complete straight edge last year. anti-drugs only because it caused my brother's flourishing life to take a complete swerve and negatively affect his and our lives. but one day, when the opportunity came, i figured i can't judge it if i've never tried it and smoked away
i'd say this day was the (or one of the) turning point of my life.
it definitely allowed my mind to be set free and my imagination wild. it was such a different experience. with that done, i truly felt like i felt the full spectrum of emotions. it opened my mind considerably and of course, as said by it's reputation, it unlocked my gateway to the drug world.
now, i only take drugs for philosophical and self-discovery reasons - not just to do it. those who do that are straight-up losers.
dreaming is one of my favorite things to do. nightmares especially interest me. everyday when i wake up, i try to see if i can remember what i dreamt, if not try to imagine what i had.
i like how it's totally random and literally just the imagination running wild.
honestly, i see dreaming as a portal for the mind to another dimension
recently, i had a dream that i was being chased and eventually killed
i scavenged throughout the internet and found that your dreams had underlying meanings and were able to be interpreted. turns out being killed meant that the dreamer was changing but unaware of this. if you were the one killing in your dream, that meant that you were aware of being changed.
holy shit, i spent a whole hour typing this shit!!
got some dreaming to do! if i remember, i'll definitely give it a write-out here
thanks for reading guys.. to be continued!