Many people believe in ghosts and spirits, and many don't--I definitely think it's an interesting thought. Perspectives of what ghosts and spirits really are are all just individual to each person, be it that they can be souls of the dead that linger among us or that "it" is the ultimate spirit formally known to be "God". We will never know.
Personally, I do believe that there is some superior entity--there just has to be.
I don't believe in a "god", but I think that there is something... something just there. It's obviously difficult to explain; it's just speculation for now, but just think about it.
Take gravity as an example. We can't see it, we can't feel it, we can't smell it, we can't taste it, we can't hear it, yet it's still there... it gives us our weight, it keeps us on the earth, and it keeps us alive. Same goes with magnetism or even atoms.
I saw this fuckin awesome documentary called "Cosmic Voyage" that basically talked about how the size of the universe is comparable to the atoms in our bodies. Plus, it's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Now you have to admit... anything with Morgan Freeman's voice is just gold (No wonder he always gets to play god in alotta films!) ahah. I highly recommend it. Netflix it!
In within the universe, there is this so called "dark matter". It's this mysterious, invisible substance that makes up 3/4 of the entire universe. Yup, you heard that right. 3/4. It's just... there. Just shows to prove that there always is a positive and negative to everything. Moon and sun; night and day; hot and cold; life and death; hairy and bald. It's everywhere!!@ It's all just a cycle.
It's really hard to explain, but I hope you get my drift. As for ghosts and spirits, I think it's just a misrepresentation and mislabel. As for things being moved around, white hazes, EVPs, yaddi yaddi yadda, I'm sure there's some kind of explanation. Who knows, there really might be spirits that roam around us; I'm a spiritual dude, so yeah I can dig it.
But above all, I think there is something. Something too astronomically sophisticated and extreme for our puny little brains to calculate. I don't think it has a physical being, but I do think it has it's ultimate "mind". I wouldn't consider it god, though. Music is my religion. But yeah.. I think it's a good thing that we don't know. Because once we know everything... I don't even know hahaha (get it? get it?)
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