BTW, this blog post doesn't have a specific topic to it.. just my thought process. Got a lot of thoughts on my mind!@
Waking up, riding the bus, going to school, riding the bus back home, eating, chilling, then sleeping might sound like an adventure itself... but when you've done that 5 days of every week of your life, it gets pretty fuckin boring.
I want something exciting and I want to experience things diverse.
I want to run with a herd of animals. I want to swing from jungle vines and shout TARRRZZANNNNNN. I want to skydive naked. I want to be with my closest friends and explore the wilderness. You get my drift right?
I just want to get out there and experience Earth to its full potential. I feel like education is best learned naturally; through nature. Not from some underpaid-thus-unenthusiastic teachers who summarize from huge cluttered mesh of informational books. I want to make mistakes and actually learn from them, not just to be more careful. I want to experience life and its extremities. I want to experience true love and ultimate happiness but also true hate and ultimate sadness just so that I've experienced the full spectrum of emotion.
I like to walk around the city. In all aspects, the city is just a jungle itself--just of the concrete version. A much more complex and sophisticated society inhabited by a collection of animals. I like to explore and I fucking love the feeling of discovery.
This whole conception of money and power equaling success can suck mah dick.
Carl Sagan, my all-time favorite cosmologist, provoked and still provokes a shitload of thoughts for me. Earth is just a "pale blue dot". A single pixel in a screen of at least a gazillion-times-gazillion.
Who knows when space and time began? Trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of years ago maybe. But I feel like there has been and will continue to be life in this universe. If it's been done once, it can happen again. Who's to say there aren't other Earth-like planets?
Another epiphany of mine the other night is that if we truly are the first sentient beings to inhabit this infinite universe, who's to say there won't be more during the infinite amount of time left over? Many of you may counteract this statement by saying that "everything that has a beginning has an end." I believe this statement to be true. But I also believe in the philosophy of circles------cycles. It begins, then ends. Then begins, then ends. This is my philosophy on the definition of infinity. Just like that saying "the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end".
lol. I'm probably not making any sense right now. Does anybody share these thoughts with me? I wish I could find someone that does. It'd be pretty fuckin tight to talk to someone relatable in thought process. If you think you are, hit me up! I am always down to talk some philosophy.
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