Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I feel like I never get a break from drama.
Parents on the bridge of filing for divorce, failing grades, and now BB, the coolest cat ever.
We haven't really been paying much attention to her.. I've just been so busy with school and trying to ease the tension between my parents, ya know?
BB had a very bad case of the fleas. She was completely covered with them and I saw blood under her left ear. It was really bad. It was no wonder I didn't see her. She was in pain and she was just there under the bed sleeping in her own hammock the whole time (Yeah, she sleeps in a hammock on the sheets under my parent's mattress haha). She eventually came out, and because of her fleas, our home was infested. It was disgusting. We called the exterminator and they're coming on the 17th, but yeah. I guess my parents just couldn't handle the extra pressure. Their bedroom is completely fuddled with fleas.. She wakes up with tons of flea bites everyday. It's driving her even more over the edge.
I wanted to send BB to get her groomed and get some flea medicine applied on, but my parents just didn't want to spend extra bucks. They basically just threw her away as if she was trash.. But then again, if our circumstances were much better, I'm sure they would've done all they could to save her. It was just a bad time.
Anyways, they sent her to the animal shelter and left her there.. It wasn't easy to let them get my permission to let BB go, but considering our familial and financial situation, it was for the best.
I wonder if she's thinking about us right now... Anyways, I hope everything works out for her. I feel guilty for letting something that's done nothing but good for the family just be tossed away.
I miss you and your adventurous, crazy, self. I'm sure you'll find a better family soon.. Think of it as an adventure.
I will surely miss chasing you around, cleaning after your toilet paper confetti mess, catching you drinking from the toilet, scratching my door, watching you play with the fake mouse, and seeing you dash towards your bowl whenever I pour food.
Will never forget you
your best friend since birth. DBae

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