Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ya know...

BTW, this blog post doesn't have a specific topic to it.. just my thought process. Got a lot of thoughts on my mind!@

Ya know, it sucks to be so adventurous at heart.. and not do as many things adventurous.
Waking up, riding the bus, going to school, riding the bus back home, eating, chilling, then sleeping might sound like an adventure itself... but when you've done that 5 days of every week of your life, it gets pretty fuckin boring.
I want something exciting and I want to experience things diverse.

I want to run with a herd of animals. I want to swing from jungle vines and shout TARRRZZANNNNNN. I want to skydive naked. I want to be with my closest friends and explore the wilderness. You get my drift right?

I just want to get out there and experience Earth to its full potential. I feel like education is best learned naturally; through nature. Not from some underpaid-thus-unenthusiastic teachers who summarize from huge cluttered mesh of informational books. I want to make mistakes and actually learn from them, not just to be more careful. I want to experience life and its extremities. I want to experience true love and ultimate happiness but also true hate and ultimate sadness just so that I've experienced the full spectrum of emotion.

I like to walk around the city. In all aspects, the city is just a jungle itself--just of the concrete version. A much more complex and sophisticated society inhabited by a collection of animals. I like to explore and I fucking love the feeling of discovery.

This whole conception of money and power equaling success can suck mah dick.

Carl Sagan, my all-time favorite cosmologist, provoked and still provokes a shitload of thoughts for me. Earth is just a "pale blue dot". A single pixel in a screen of at least a gazillion-times-gazillion.

Who knows when space and time began? Trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of years ago maybe. But I feel like there has been and will continue to be life in this universe. If it's been done once, it can happen again. Who's to say there aren't other Earth-like planets?

Another epiphany of mine the other night is that if we truly are the first sentient beings to inhabit this infinite universe, who's to say there won't be more during the infinite amount of time left over? Many of you may counteract this statement by saying that "everything that has a beginning has an end." I believe this statement to be true. But I also believe in the philosophy of circles------cycles. It begins, then ends. Then begins, then ends. This is my philosophy on the definition of infinity. Just like that saying "the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end".

lol. I'm probably not making any sense right now. Does anybody share these thoughts with me? I wish I could find someone that does. It'd be pretty fuckin tight to talk to someone relatable in thought process. If you think you are, hit me up! I am always down to talk some philosophy.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hey guys! Please check out my Tumblr (or follow if you have one :D)!
I really put alot of time and effort into it, for your entertainment dawgzzsz.
Primarily about space, time, bladdibladda the whole shabang. CHECKZ ITS OUT YO@"

Monday, March 29, 2010


Today, I laughed.

Not the kind of laughter you make when someone cracks a funny joke.
Not the kind of laughter you make when you see someone trip.
Not the kind of laughter you make when you make a stupid mistake.
Not the kind of laughter you make when sarcasm or irony strikes.
Not the kind of laughter you make when you just want to because you can.
But the kind of laughter you make when you're just in an extremely ridiculous situation.

Tonight, my dad packed up his belongings and left. "...for good." as he said when he left through the door. There was nothing but silence when he went through his stuff to make sure he got all that he needed. The place was a mess. Shit thrown everywhere. A broken cup. A shoe with a broken heel. (Please don't ask why).

Schizophrenia and Paranoid Personality Disorder is just not a good combo. Proof? Parentals.

It's difficult to mediate between these two. REALLY difficult. Every time I'd intervene and end up with a huge frown slapped onto my face. But today was something different. I don't know what it was, but it just... was.
Riding with my mom to Souplantation ended the same as usual = me walking home. I walk for an hour, I call dad to pick me up. On the way home, my dad lashes out all his anger onto me. We park in our garage. I leave home for 30 minutes then come back. Dad comes home and the yelling commences. Packs and leaves.
What was I doing the whole time?
Laughing. Really hard. To the point of tears.

Not the kind when you're sad.
Not the kind when you see something beautiful or inspirational.
Not the kind when something gets in your eye.
But the kind when you just... well, laugh really hard.

The whole situation was just really ridiculous.
It was somewhat inappropriate that I laughed, but it just happened so spontaneously.
It felt so liberating that I took the whole situation so well. It did take me awhile to wonder what it was that caused me to laugh, though. I still don't know, and I probably won't ever.

As for my parents, it's all just a bad case of miscommunication. My parents can't seem to communicate and whenever I talk to them, they always assume that I'm taking the opposite side. I'm just trying to show them a different perspective mannnz!

But seriously... they're not really going to file for divorce. I don't think they are. This is rather common for my family.. unfortunately. They're polar opposites.. but isn't that what makes electrons attracted to protons? Negatives and positives attract. Funny how that works. But yeah, I wouldn't say I'm worried. Everything does fall back into place, and if a divorce is what my parents decide to do, then hey, maybe it will be the best decision they ever made. I may not be happy with this decision, but a thing I've learned about life is that you need to sacrifice your happiness for the happiness of others... and in a way, it all comes back to you. (Karma?!)

But overall, my spontaneous laughter tonight got me closer to knowing who I am. It felt great.
You guys should try it out sometime. When you're ever in a situation where you're royally fucked or what not.... just fuckin' laugh it out. It's very liberating. =]

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ding ding ding ding! JOB ACQUIRED.

So, important announcement! (well for me at least)


hint hint: it's where the stones are cold.

answer: coldstones!


The interview process was kind of a headache for me. And I mean that literally.
Yup. I had a hangover. Got home earlier that day at 6 in the morning from a crazy party, and little did I know that I had a job interview in 7 hours at 1pm for Coldstone's. Now how bout that. Ahhhh
So I went and it turned out to be a group interview. Actually, it wasn't even an interview. It was a fuckin' audition.
First, they asked me to introduce myself and I was like okay cool, I could do this.
...then they asked me to "bust a move". I was like say whaaaaAA? *windows crashing noise*
So, I did what I do best: jerked. They didn't look impressed, but fuck I didn't care. I had a damn hangover!
The others did their own thing, stanky leg, wave, yaddi yadda.
Then they asked us to pick a song from a list and sing.
At this point my jaw dropped to the floor. Well, more like I imagined it in my head.
I pick and sang one pretty horribly. I was the only dude out of the group of four being auditioned. They all had pretty good voices. D'oh!
Finally, they made us make our OWN song. But not just any song, a rap. "A rap?! Are you kidding me, miss?!" My knees felt like rubber, but I got myself to think out a few sentences and I rapped it with my shoes tapping a beat.
Finally, she let us go and told us she'd contact us soon. "No news is bad news" which means no call meant I didn't get it.
Days passed. No call. A week passed. No call. Two weeks later, I finally get a call and then I find out I got the job.
As far as the job goes, it's very.... work-like. It's my first job, so I'm just trying to get the hang of it. What sucks is that, you're always under surveillance by the boss (she has cameras in her office), there's always something to do, and the boss gets anal about doing things and having friends visit.
But a job's a job. I'll get the hang of it soon, even though she didn't really teach me everything I need to know. *cough cough* how to make a shake *cough cough* Customer comes in, asks for a shake, and I'm just standing there lookin like a dufus thinkin "uhhh, Betty didn't teach me how to make a shake. fuck."
But other than that, I'm starting to enjoy having a job. Once I get that check, baby.... DOUGH MAKIN'
I really need to save up cash for the week in New York during Spring Break with my tightest friend Amanda Navarro. So stoked. Possibly the only motivation for working there.
But yeah guys, come visit! If the boss ain't there, I'll hook you up. =)
Don't tip, though. Cuz then I'd have to sing.
"A scoopin' we will go
A mixin' we will go
High ho the dairy o'
We thank you for your dough"
plafugh. T_T

Thursday, February 11, 2010

part 3: ghost & spirits

It's perfectly natural to contemplate whether there truly is some sort of entity that, you can say, is superior to us.
Many people believe in ghosts and spirits, and many don't--I definitely think it's an interesting thought. Perspectives of what ghosts and spirits really are are all just individual to each person, be it that they can be souls of the dead that linger among us or that "it" is the ultimate spirit formally known to be "God". We will never know.
Personally, I do believe that there is some superior entity--there just has to be.
I don't believe in a "god", but I think that there is something... something just there. It's obviously difficult to explain; it's just speculation for now, but just think about it.
Take gravity as an example. We can't see it, we can't feel it, we can't smell it, we can't taste it, we can't hear it, yet it's still there... it gives us our weight, it keeps us on the earth, and it keeps us alive. Same goes with magnetism or even atoms.
I saw this fuckin awesome documentary called "Cosmic Voyage" that basically talked about how the size of the universe is comparable to the atoms in our bodies. Plus, it's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Now you have to admit... anything with Morgan Freeman's voice is just gold (No wonder he always gets to play god in alotta films!) ahah. I highly recommend it. Netflix it!
In within the universe, there is this so called "dark matter". It's this mysterious, invisible substance that makes up 3/4 of the entire universe. Yup, you heard that right. 3/4. It's just... there. Just shows to prove that there always is a positive and negative to everything. Moon and sun; night and day; hot and cold; life and death; hairy and bald. It's everywhere!!@ It's all just a cycle.
It's really hard to explain, but I hope you get my drift. As for ghosts and spirits, I think it's just a misrepresentation and mislabel. As for things being moved around, white hazes, EVPs, yaddi yaddi yadda, I'm sure there's some kind of explanation. Who knows, there really might be spirits that roam around us; I'm a spiritual dude, so yeah I can dig it.
But above all, I think there is something. Something too astronomically sophisticated and extreme for our puny little brains to calculate. I don't think it has a physical being, but I do think it has it's ultimate "mind". I wouldn't consider it god, though. Music is my religion. But yeah.. I think it's a good thing that we don't know. Because once we know everything... I don't even know hahaha (get it? get it?)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

part 2: the human life

i'm not really the type of person that dwells in the past. i've come to learn and accept that what's done is done, and there's no point in cryin over something that you can't change
it's really interesting, though, to think of what your current situation could be like, if you haven't made the decisions you have and made the decisions you haven't
jeeeeeez, now isn't that some heavy shit? :U

it's trippy to think that the littlest of the details really did have significant values in your life.
that one scene from the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button where it showed how the female protagonist could've not gotten injured really stuck out to me
if the man hadn't woken up 5 minutes late, she could've still been able to dance.
if the man hadn't missed the taxi, she could've still been able to dance.
etcetera, etcetera (interesting thought: the language's equivalent to mathematic's infinity is "etcetera"! FUCK my mind just got blown.)

the fundamentals of existentialism really sticks out to me, but my views are individual; they're my own thaaaang, ya know?
there are moments in my life (i.e. coincidences) where i just feel like there really are reasons why things happen
the answers to reasons why will always be different amongst individuals because that is exactly what we are: individuals with individualistic everything
i think the reason behind life is just to be happy, but honestly i don't really fuckin care either. some people will "waste" their whole life searching for the answer to life, but i feel like they need to just sit down and look what's in front of them. humans always complicate shit up which annoys me sometimes. why can't we indulge in simplicities for once?

brahhh, i'm so certain that there's other life beings out there. there has to be. wouldn't make sense if we're the only ones... but then again, what makes sense anymore?
every answer we find raises more and more questions. it's an infinite cycle, because the truth is, there is no one definition.
whoa, getting too deep! i was in some sort of trance or some shit writing that. O.O
anyways, it's definitely an interesting topic. i still have so many thoughts i wish i could solidify into words.

the possibilities are infinite.

when i look back in my life and cringe at all the stupid shit i've done, i've just come to accept that those moments have shaped me to become who i am today and helped me to experience the broad spectrum of emotions. i'm happy and satisfied, so i'm grateful for all the shit that's happened in my life. you just have to have that mentality. you can reach ultimate happiness when you come to a point where you can just accept and embrace everything. but then again, too much of anything is bad for you.
always in moderation.

yeah, i'm totally nuts.
it's the brain chemicals talking. yikes-aroni
now i want macaroni
yeah, i'm psycho.
i'm gonna stop writing now.
good night.
stoked to see what dreams my brain has in stored for me! x)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Venice High School Musical

oh hai ther
soooo, i uploaded the venice senior video a while ago, and it garnered quite a lot of likes and comments. im glad you guys loved it, but unfortunately facebook deleted it saying that it contained copyrighted material. yeah, fuck ya'll.
wasn't able to reupload it since i couldve gotten my video privileges taken away, so i looked elsewhere
i reuploaded it a couple days ago, but it was deleted again for copyrighted material. total bullshiz, but with a few twerks here and there, i finally managed to get it back =] heheheheheehe MWAHAHHAAAHHA yeah.
so enjoy the video guys!
a tribute to the best class of venice high history.
PART 2 headed your way soon. SONG: WHAT'S MY AGE AGAIN!
rock on guys.

Friday, January 22, 2010

drizzle my nizzle

DUUUUUUUUUUDE it's raining soooo fuggin much
6 days back-to-back
super cold temperatures
80 mph fast winds
20 ft. rip tides
tornadoes... IN LA.
day after tomorrow anyone? -_-
fuckin global warming

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the human mind: drugs and dreams

you know, lately i've been having these weird mind exploration phases
i can't seem to stop thinking about heavy duty shit
when i'm lying in bed looking at the sky from my window, i try to wonder what's happening out there
i think.. no, i'm certain, that there's life out there. or there's something that just isn't able to be explained by the human mind
we can come up with theories and interpretations but never a definite answer
it's so amusing to find that we human beings are so intrigued by such superficialities when in truth we should be intrigued by the naturalities and complexities of life

(play this video while you're reading this. it matches so well)

this one night, i was blazed as fuck and sat on a beach at night
the star studded sky looked amazing.. i wish there wasn't as much light pollution in the sky in the city
but anyways, as i stared up into the sky, i literally felt like i was flying through space
no joke.
the ambient repetitive sounds of the ocean waves crashing into the sand put me into this trance, and somehow the twinkling stars seemed to move around'
once i snapped out of this trance, i began to ponder how drugs are able to affect our mind to cause it to perceive this alternate reality
then i thought, how is the mind created in the first place?
everything about our body has a physical state.... except our mind.
how is it that the most beautiful part of our body has no physical state to it?
how does the tangible brain affect the intangible mind?

as many of you may know, i was a complete straight edge last year. anti-drugs only because it caused my brother's flourishing life to take a complete swerve and negatively affect his and our lives. but one day, when the opportunity came, i figured i can't judge it if i've never tried it and smoked away
i'd say this day was the (or one of the) turning point of my life.
it definitely allowed my mind to be set free and my imagination wild. it was such a different experience. with that done, i truly felt like i felt the full spectrum of emotions. it opened my mind considerably and of course, as said by it's reputation, it unlocked my gateway to the drug world.
now, i only take drugs for philosophical and self-discovery reasons - not just to do it. those who do that are straight-up losers.

dreaming is one of my favorite things to do. nightmares especially interest me. everyday when i wake up, i try to see if i can remember what i dreamt, if not try to imagine what i had.
i like how it's totally random and literally just the imagination running wild.
honestly, i see dreaming as a portal for the mind to another dimension
recently, i had a dream that i was being chased and eventually killed
i scavenged throughout the internet and found that your dreams had underlying meanings and were able to be interpreted. turns out being killed meant that the dreamer was changing but unaware of this. if you were the one killing in your dream, that meant that you were aware of being changed.

holy shit, i spent a whole hour typing this shit!!
got some dreaming to do! if i remember, i'll definitely give it a write-out here
thanks for reading guys.. to be continued!