Thursday, November 27, 2008

25 Ways - Thanksgiving Full of HATE


this thanksgiving day sucked big time.
worst ive ever had.
1.) I woke up, not naturally or not by my alarm clock, but by my mom punching me in the arm
2.) she tells me TODAY at 7 in the morning, that i was gonna go to a financial aid meeting at 9.
3.) I wash up and dress, then she tells me that i can just stay and she will go with my dad
4.) i say okay and im just revising my UC apps and about to turn them in
5.) i get a call from my mom, and she was pissed off that i didnt come with WTF?! Uhhh YOU were the one that told me i could stay. She tells me to just send the apps
6.) I revise my personal statements and put it on the website, BUT...
7.) i get a call from my mom again telling me not to send the apps.
8.) Confused and annoyyed as hell, I hang up
9.) mom comes home and starts bitching about how im not gonna get into a college (hey, have you ever thought there might be a COMMUNITY COLLEGE which guarantees 150% acceptance rate?) and how she thinks i might not be able to graduate at all. sorry but im well over my requirements for graduating.
10.) she starts fighting with my dad
11.) she starts arguing with me back
12.) she reads her book called "17 ways of being a better you" YEAH UHH WTF
13.) she starts arguing with my dad again
14.) I watch Requiem for a Dream (REALLY good movie by the way. depressing, but really good.) and she starts arguing with me telling me that im for SURE not going to get into a college if i just watch movies all day (WELL UMM THIS IS A 4 DAY WEEKEND, and i aint got much homework. just gimme some space FUCK)
15.) I hear my dad get out of the house
16.) I panicked because i thought he left for the week or something (he usually leaves and stays at a hotel if he gets in a bad mood with my momma)
17.) i hear him come back
18.) he was holding some bag
19.) it was KFC
20.) he said happy thanksgiving
21.) and my mom was like "no thanks." 
23.) ate, while my mom slept beacuse she had this "headache". trust me, mom i have this huge headache from you and you dont see me sleeping. i have to deal with it. 
24.) i feel like shit right now. this sort of day's REALLY uncommon, and having it happen on THANKSGIVING just sucks. ughh whatever
25.) good bye.

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