Sunday, November 23, 2008


FUCK religion
fuck man, hardcore religious people can be one of the nicest or bitchiest people on the planet.
depends if you yourself is religious.
as many of you might know, i'm ATHEIST.
you hear that mama? ATHEIST.
according the :



–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.

what part of that don't you understand? oops sorry, i forgot you suck at English. well let me break it down to the level of a 1 year old: ME NO BELIEVE GOD KK?

this happens EVERY Sunday and it is just fuckin annoying as hell. the day of the week that i is almost assured to be a bad one all thanks to you.

I mean i love you mom, but you're too blinded to see reality because of religion. And just because i don't believe in god, doesn't mean I'm "weird". and NO i can assure you there is no evil spirit mongering in my body, I am Daniel. i'm still myself. you might think you're doing a good deed for god of getting one extra dude to convert to christianity , but i'm sure he didn't think by means of bitching and forcing one to do so.

give it a break woman. i know you had a tough life, but don't unleash all your shit onto me. i have tons of my own shit to take care of.
go write a journal or do whatever it is that pleasures you. just don't have me as an option.

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