Saturday, November 29, 2008


Currently doing: commenting on Rachael (Raqel) Dodd's status of being a cherry on top of a universe cake and asking if I can eat her.

Currently listening to: Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans

Yesterday around at 4, i did something that could possibly change my life: clicking the button "Submit". It was for University of California college admissions applications. I applied to all UCs except for Berkeley and Los Angeles, because my private tutor said that I was going to get rejected with my 3.0 (weighted) GPA, 1930 SAT score, and SAT M2C 660 (To be taken again and going to take SAT 2 Biology next Saturday SHITTT).
My personal statement was okay. Totally BS'ed it though. In the first one, I said that I was this complete loner with a negligent family who suddenly became this generous and social person after going to Oakgrove HAHAHAHa. Second one was about me getting lost in an airport in a foreign country, therefore my desire of becoming a psychologist or possibly a translator. Yeah. They're all cheesy as hell, but whatever, I AIN'T GOT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT SHIT NOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Happy like a mudda right now. Well not really. I need a JOB right now, and there is a job posting for Yogurtland that JUST opened in Sawtelle Place. It's perfect for me because I only have to take one bus route there, or I could just walk, and it just opened meaning lots of job openings. I might apply there for part-time. I really need money and I felt bad that I couldnt buy my mom anything for her birthday last Friday.. My mom actually didn't get any presents at all.. We just celebrated at this place called Kaya Sushi (right across from Costco/ In-n-out). That place was good , but expensive. But yeah, I need a lot of things. Christmas presents, and especially some new clothes. I was doing the laundry yesterday and found out that I had 3 boxers with ripped slits in it.. Yeah. Maybe it was my cat, or maybe my ass is just getting bigger. Idk, but i need more fitting clothes.

I might go right now for the application or not. Idk, I keep postponing things out of fear when there really isn't anything to be scared about.. lol

got awesome bands playing. looking forward to the Histories, Nephews and Koalacast. Definitely.
Gonna be awesome, and Im taking some pictures. WOOOOO

Current Status: Clicking publish post and writing "Current status: pushing publish post and writing twice" twice.

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