Thursday, December 4, 2008

so much shit to do and so much shit to deal with

i have a really bad habit: procrastination.
i dont know what happened to me. back in the elementary and middle school days, i used to do things quick. I studied first and played later.
Now, I just play. No studying whatsoever. I know I can get straight A's and I know I can get perfect attendance. There are just too many distractions that I can't control.
Whenever I come home, I don't go for my backpack, but the remote control or the power button on the computer.
I used to think in the long terms rather than short, but now, I just don't. I don't know why. Maybe I've just become impatient. Not the one where you wait in line and stuff. But I mean, just wait. My parents always told me that if I studied hard when young, it will pay off in the future. But when will the time come? I don't know and I'm getting tired.
Tired. Tired. Tired.
Right now, I'm completely swamped with homework that I've never turned in. For many of you who have Ms. Votto as your English teacher, you might've seen my name on the board listed under MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. Yeah...
I've become so adapted to seeing such things, I just dont' care anymore. I feel like I still don't have to do it. Or maybe it's just that I don't want to do it. Idk. But there's something in me that died. Something important. Something that I need for me to live a successful and happy life.
As much as I hate procrsatinating, it's just so... fun. It makes me feel good, for the time being. Until I get a D or an F slapped onto my test, and again, my feelings of indifference causing me to just glance and continue talking with my classmates.
This is bad. Real bad. Right now, I bet you're thinking "JUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK, DANIEL! IT'S THAT EASY!" Well, it's not. I'm addicted. To TV, computer, video games, music, movies, chatting, talking, ETC. Anything that keeps me entertained.
I have many things more to talk about, but I actually have 8 assignments to do that I have to turn in by tomorrow. And on top of that I have to study for SAT 2's. I just can't wait for this to be over and for Oakgrove to come. OAKGROVE!!!!!! and another week until winter break comes up. Break. Definitely need this.
Off topic: my mom had a car accident today. lol.
i gotta do homeworkkkkkkkkkkkfuckkkkkkkkkk

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