Saturday, December 6, 2008


I had an awesome day today.

I didn't study much for SAT 2's. I was on Facebook more than were my eyes on the pages of my BARRON'S Biology and Math 2 C prep books. It was about 1, and I knocked out on the desk. I woke up at around 6:50 am by Kristine's call and hopped into the shower. I dressed back into my pajamas and left for Hami in Kristine's car. We get there, and being that we went extremely early to avoid long lines, there was a long line. A LONG ASSSSS LINE. While Kristine is wearing a sweater, jeans, and sneakers, I'm fuckin wearing a Bruce lee T-shirt and thin, blue-striped pajamas with flip-flops literally freezing my ass off in the 50 degrees weather. I'm there shivering my ass off, using my printed ticket to keep myself, rubbing it all over my skin. People who late stood in the even longer line for SAT 1, and they ended up going in earlier than me WTF?! But yeah, whatever.

We got in, and we got this girl proctor. She looked hapa, but she was fugly, so I didn't pay much attention. She kept saying the instructions for SAT 1, and we got all confused and this one Asian girl said "HELLO!? WE'RE TAKING SAT 2!" I lis'ed (laughed in side), and she told us to do things that I was finished. 10 minutes after she was done babbling, we started the test. SAT Math 2 C. Holy fuck, was that test hard. LIKE HOLY FUCK, it was hard. I forgot SO many things about math before, so I totally BS'ed that test. Omitted, I think, 13 questions. WHATEVER.
We had a break, and we all just talked about how hard that test was and thought about canceling. But I paid twenty bucks for that, so hell nah.
We walked back in, and I began taking the test that I dreared so much. SAT 2 Biology. Yeah, I got a 2 on my AP Exam, and it's been two years since I've taken a biology course, so I have NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER about biology! Well, maybe something about animal physiology ;)
but yeah. First question was something ridiculous, and it was then that the fun began. I lost all hope, but didn't care at all and I began doing EENIE MEENIE MAINI MO'S on the test. Also, filled out bubbles to spell out words like DAD CACA BAE, stuff like that. I skipped questions that were long, and I jumped around in question numbers. Like I would do number 46, then do number 22. It was fun. I felt so free. After taking that "test" I grabbed my belongings and rejoiced in the hallway.

I met up with Kima and we waited for our parents to come. She took Math 2 C, too, and Spanish. She said Spanish was really easy, so she was confidant for a good score. I just waited for my dad to come which he eventually did. We went to taco bell, got some tacos and went home and I just did alot of things. Cleaned my room, watched Indiana Jones Crystal Skulls or whatever that junk movie was, and ate pizza from Mr. Pizza, and watched No Country for Old Men (A GOOD MOVIE. MUST SEE!), and now I'm here writing this post. I would've went to the FMLY F'king Night, but being my usual lazy ass, I decided not to.

Today was a good day. You might say I'm being sarcastic, and I guess I am, but it's really a good-weird kinda way. I liked it.
How was yours? (Rhetorical question)

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