Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Updated/Merry Christmas

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in awhile. I've been really busy with Christmas coming up and spending time with friends. I am SO happy it's finally winter break. I really needed it bad.

Nothing happened the past few days except for parties and shit. But there was this ONE thing where a lot of thoughts went through my head. I'm not going to say any names here, but I was just with some people at someone's house. We weren't really doing anything. Just listening to music and socializing. I saw that a a few people were little by little leaving and going outside. I wanted to see what was up, and I found out they were preparing some pot to smoke. At first I was like whatevers, a little uncomfortable though, because of what happened to my brother. For those of you who don't know, my brother was an extremely smart person back in the days, but when he discovered drugs, things just went downhill. Extremely downhill.

Many of the people who were gonna smoke that shit were people that I didn't even expect to do it. But I just didn't say anything. What really ticked me off though, were people who've never done drugs before doing it. Most of them said that they were just curious and just wanted to see what it's like. I didn't want what happened to my brother happen to my friends, so I intervened and I tried to prevent them from succumbing. I probably did overreact and exaggerated it, since I knew them well enough that they wouldn't abuse it (My brother abused the drugs, thus screwed over). But I still didn't want them to do something that had nothing but disadvantages. I gave up, and some of them still did it.

I kinda eavesdropped and heard a whole lot of coughing, and I kinda chuckled when I really shouldn't be, but yeah. After they finished, I asked them how they were and they said they felt fine. Very very little effect. What was the point of all that when there wasn't even going to be any effects? Very stupid.

But you know what? I kind of felt bad, because I was being hypocritical (I guess). Somewhere in my mind was telling me I wanted to try it, too. I did want to try it, and I was very curious. But being myself, I compared the benefits and the negative effects. Yup, above the influence.

I didn't know what to feel afterwards, but I was fine with it. I really did overreact. Haha.



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