Sunday, November 23, 2008


PHEW that feels much better now that i got that shit outta my system.

anyways guys, sorry about the hiatus. with all the drama and crap to do, i forgot i had a blog goin. i don't think im gonna update my blog as much this week because of college apps and homework, but i'll try.

hmmm ill try to remember anything good to write about.. uhhh.. oh yeah

November 19, 2008

Wednesday. 9 PM
phone rings. it's a call from the marines, WTF? I never signed up for that crap, but it turns out you had to sign a document that says you're not interested. tricky tricky government. as usual.
anyways, i get this call from this dude named ben hall or whatever, and he started asking me all these personal questions. Height? Weight? Any tattoos? Done any drugs? Broken any bones? Criminal records? Majoring in what? Applying to which colleges? Financial aid? Etc etc, and stupidly i answered all of them. i was confused as to what was going on, and the next thing i know, i got an appointment scheduled for the next day. uhhh ok, bye.
then it's thursday MINIMUM DAY!!! it was so cool, time flew by SO FAST at school! anyways, i go home, but then guess what. I left my keys at home. So it's around 1 and im waiting outside the front gate (i live in an apartment) waiting for someone to maybe open it. someone did, and i waited inside the lobby... so i just played games on my itouch, until this dude wearing some army uniform arrives on the front door.
so he motions me to open it, and i do and he asks me "hey do you know Daniel Bae?" i was like "Yeah, i do." he replied "Oh you do? Do you know where he is?" I said "I'm him"
rofl kinda hilarious but yeah he tells me to get my stuff so we can talk outside. then i started telling him that i wasnt interested to join, but he was stubborn so he kept tryign to recruit me. but then i said that i was very liberal and anti-war, so it wouldn't be for me, then he was like OHhhhhh okay. and just leaves. WTF LOL hilarious conversation. then he goes into his little mini cooper car (LOL?) and leaves. uh yeah. okay. done with that shit.
but then again, remember i have no key? so now im outside and back to where i started. thanks a bunch mr.! anyways, my dad comes and opens the door. yay.

uhh that's pretty much all that i can think of right now, and my fingers hurt so tune in next time to Daniel Bae's blog! That's all folks!

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