Saturday, February 21, 2009

oakgrove tryouts

feb 19, oh nine'
oakgrove tryouts

At first, I wasn't really sure if I should go or not. I have a problem with being gargantuantly lazy as shown by my numerous tardies at school, inability to do homework, heavily dependent on others for cooking, water bottles, etc etc, but that's a different topic.

Oakgrove had something for me. It had something special that I can't quite touch on... Oakgrove can be similarly done any day, any time, any where. But somehow, it won't have the same results Oakgrove will give.

My experience there was amazing. I've gotten to know so many things from people- things that I didn't expect at all and completely change my views of them. It made me know that everyone is almost completely the same, just different by the masks they put on and the shows they perform.

I've already experienced twice the spirit of Oakgrove, but this time I wanted a different perspective of it. Previous Oakgrove council members and alumni told me that it's much more difficult, and this time, it's not about you, rather all about the campers. Immediately, when I heard this, I was like "Nevermind." But after thinking about it, I knew I was about to do it, maybe even beyond of what was asked of me. Seriously though, when i put my mind to it, and when I'm motivated, I can do some serious shit. Serious shit. Enough to even make me surprised.

After all the heavy contemplation, I decided to go for it, and the tryouts went well.
Except for the beginning. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell how the audition goes, but yeah. I'll just say that I had a moderate headache that kinda conflicted with what I was doing. As for the rest, I felt much better. The spirit of Oakgrove was within me, curing all my ailments and washing away all my negative emotions! Hallelujah!

Hopefully, I did OK. The results come up Monday. SO FAR. I'll keep you guys up to date.


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