Monday, February 23, 2009

oakgrove tryouts:conclusion

Yo-yo, guyzz

SO yeah, the results came in earlier this morning, and I wasn't that shocked to find myself not on the list. I was more disappointed, not at the results, but rather at myself, since I didn't take the essay portion seriously. I had the misfortune of having an intense headache during tryouts, so all I kept thinking about was leaving. But yeah, having finished writing the essay, I looked it over and damn, all i kept thinking was "is this kid high or what?" Unfortunately, I didn't have much time left over to revise..

The council members this time, i believe, consists of 13 people: 7 males, 6 females. I'm not 100% sure, but the council members are kaitlin, david, will, maya, cori, jenni, hawnugh, hannah, jason, dexter, alex, cant think of the other 2. but yeah, CONGRATS TO YOU GUYS! You guys deserved it.

This is going to be my last Oakgrove, so hopefully it'd be an amazing one. I'm looking forward to it, especially with the new council members.

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