Monday, March 23, 2009

Compete Compete Compete

Compete, compete, compete
win, win win
no losing, no losing, no losing

With globalization and more and more countries cooperating with international events, competitions have now gone from domestic to global. It's seen in education, the economies, and now sports.
Just a few minutes ago, a good game of baseball between Japan and Korea ended, with the former winning.
Congratulations to Japan, your hard work paid off and you guys deserved it. Also, kudos to South Korea, you guys gave it all your best.
I haven't watched much of it, only tuned in here and there. Though the fans all looked similar, they were easily distinguishable by the colors they wore (Blue/White = Korea / Red = Japan). They slammed their drums, waved their flags, clapped their balloons together, and chanted cheers. It was pretty cool, the game was really exciting to watch.
I was pretty satisfied with it, but it was pretty funny and a bit annoying to see people online writing GOOOOOOOO JAPANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! or GOOOOOO KOREAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! and subtly badmouthing each other.
I know a lot of Asians, specifically Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese, and it gets kinda nasty whenever there are competitions between these countries. Whatever the outcome, there will always be insults flying here to there and their relationships get worse. There has been some historical events that caused the strained relationships, but I just wish people can forget about the past and look onto a better future.
It's always the same reaction, and it's starting to get very annoying. People who are very very patriotic don't respond well to losing, so they start out some "campaign" and start shittalking their opponents.
If you lose, you don't go on this world flubber and try to make your opponents, because in the end, you're only making yourself look worse.
If you lose, you deal with it, you learn from your mistakes, and you give them a bigger challenge the next time the opportunity comes. There is no need for racism.
Take a chill pill and take a deep breath.

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