Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Do you really think you know who I am?

I feel like I'm being misunderstood. Whatever I do, a lot of people misinterpret what I do to be something totally opposite.

I'm just going to get some things straight. Unfortunately, though, not many people read my blog anyways, so much of this is going to be a buncha ranting.

People think I have this issue with narcissism, and I would have to agree that I do like attention, but I don't seek attention for only my own benefits. I love socializing, partying, doing crazy things, and entertaining other people. That's who I am. It's my personality. I do it for the benefits of others.

There was a couple of people who I thought I'd like to talk to during Nutrition at school. Right when I come up to them, one of them asks me "How much attention do you need?" Attention..? I only went up to you to talk and ask what's up. Would you rather see me sitting all alone looking confused and sad? Also, if you don't have anything nice to say, rather just keep that shit locked in your mouth.

But I'm glad she let it out. That definitely opened my eyes. I began to wonder if any other of my friends thought similar. As I began to take into account how people respond to me, I feel like more and more people are becoming annoyed by me. I feel like I don't have their trust either. I may be a loud mouth (volume-wise), but I keep private shit private. But trust me, you can trust me (hahah). I love listening to people and giving them advice. It's one of the main reasons why I thought about becoming a psychologist.

I also have the reputation of being the photographer. People are completely shocked when I don't bring a camera to an event, and I don't take that as a compliment. Photography/Film is my passion. Sure it doesn't sound that bad when reading this, but when you just hear their tones, you know it's not meant as a joke. I have stopped my habit of taking unflattering pictures of people. You only have one fucking chance at life. I'm going to make sure I'm going to live the best out of it, and capture every happy moment I have of it, because in the end, you'll become nostalgic of the great memories you had when you were young.

I'm not failing classes on purpose. I'm just extremely lazy. Being a senior now, I just have senioritis, except in another level. I'm not failing classes just to get a few laughs from people; I ain't that retarded pffft. Education is one of my top priorities. It's just that there isn't anything that motivates me to continue my studies. I believe we should learn by real life interaction. Not by looking at some small pictures in books with a teacher reading out of it. I want to experience it. English? Tell us to act out vocabulary words or let us rap poems by Shakespeare. Math? Let us throw boomerangs or enlarge an object (Propz to Ms. Nagata, that was a cool project). Science? Let us go to a forest or garden to examine plants and photosynthesis; let us work with chemicals and create awesome reactions. Etc etc you get the point. If this was education, fuck, I'd be getting straight A's. Large textbooks read by teachers with monotonous voices and boring personalities? Straight F's. As much as I'd love to be having good grades, it's just become so much of a habit, that I can't even control it. No matter what, I will always find a way to distract myself. I'm trying to fix it, though. I definitely can't slack off during SMC.

There are plenty of other things I'd address, but I really don't feel like continuing.
The main point I'm trying to get at is that everyone has their own traits that you might not like. I may sometimes be a bitch, but overall I think I'm a pretty normal dude. Just livin' life, yo. I feel like I have this secret, bitch reputation amongst people. I'm just crazy when in large crowds. If you really want to see a different side of me, let's grab some grub and talk/Come on over to my place and chill or go balls out and jam to electro/go biking up and down beaches/ etc.

For those of you who might feel offended, I didn't mean none. I'm just fed up with people misinterpreting things and spreading bullshit to others. Do you really think you know who I am?

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