Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mission Accomplished


BOND was the best.
At first, I didn't really want to go, because I went to Universal earlier the day and was supermondo tired. I got home at around 8pm and just ate dinner, rice included of course. After a while, I just thought about BOND and realized how awesome it would be. Intense hide-and-seek game with chasers driving. So I decided to go.

But then there was another problem: my parents. Due to the situation with my brother, my parents would never let me out of the house past curfew. They'd go nuclear-explosion status on me. I was brainstorming and thought of two choices: 1.) Say that I was going to the gym (Bally's) or 2.) Sneak out

I chose to sneak out. I told my parents I was going to sleep early, and I shoved some clothes and pillows under my blanket. It looked shapely realistic, and I wrote a small little note reading "Please do not disturb!" and taped it to the front of my door. At first, I thought it would do some reverse-psychology crap on my parents, but they would've still entered my room without the note, so it was better than nothing.

My parents were busy laughing and watching the tele in their room, so I slowly opened the door and snuck out. I felt crazy, but excited at the same time. Walked towards Woodbine and Glendon and met up with some people. Eva, Nicole, Francis, Mark, Lili and her brother etc etc yaddi yaddi yadda... Then I saw someone in the distance, and ran towards them only to collide with one of them. They were wearing complete black clothes, so I couldn't really see her. It was Maya. My apologies!

We had a small orientation, then we started and damn it was intense. I was so confidant to get to point B, but i got caught within the first few minutes. Like the first minute. Yeah. It was terrible, I was deadlocked between two chasers in an alley, and I found myself trying to crawl up the wall (WTF?). Yeah, then I just got in one of the chaser's car and drove around looking for shadows and voices. I didn't catch anyone. I was the scout, sitting in the trunk and looking out in the back. I wanted to catch someone, but you can't open trunks from the inside.

After it was finished, we met up at a truck loading zone and took some group pictures. There were a lot of people. Somewhere around the 50 range.

Then we started heading for phase 2: The Dark Railroad. This time it was much better. There were a lot more places to hide, but whenever I would see a car's headlights, I would dash for the one of the garages, but right when you get in, one of the automated porch lights come on... @#$%!

There was this one moment, when I saw a car behind not too far, and i just jumped into a bush. Literally jump. I crawled around, and I guess I made a lot of noise, because I saw a light turn on and someone moved the curtains around. I was right under the window. She stayed there for a whole minute. At first, it was pretty funny but afterwards it was kinda scary. I thought she was gonna stay there forever.

I ran my ass off and I made it. I made it WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I got to the endpoint.

It was amazing. I was really sore, I was bleeding in many places, my pajamas tore, and I was just tired and sleepy.

BOND was amazing, and everyone reading this should come with next time.

After all that, I got a ride from this guy named Dave (David?). He was cool, and got dropped off. I snuck back in, successfully. No sounds whatsoever. It was THE BEST SATURDAY EVER.

Everything turned out well. It was the best. I just laid there on my bed reminiscing of how it all went down and just said out loud "Mission fucking accomplished."

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