Friday, October 2, 2009


SMC started several weeks ago, and it's been decent
I'm taking English, Math, Film, and Philosophy
I don't know what I did, but I ended up having awesome teachers who know how to teach and don't assign much homework. Jackpot
English-Mr. Zehr He's sooo tight. He has such passion for English. He bounces around class and shiet; fuckin energizer bunny. He'd be the perfect teacher if only he doesn't use the socratic method and forces people to volunteer in answering his questions. Kinda hard when you read such difficult literature and expect to fully analyze it within minutes YEAHHHH okay.
Math- Mr. Emerson... he's sofa king boring. Like seriously ZZZZZzzzz status. I've slept EVERY SINGLE DAY in his class, it even surprises me. Ask Rachel or Marco, seriously. I think I'm the only one that sleeps in his class, too. I don't know how the other classmates do it, there I wake up with drool over my face with squinty eyes and I see all the classmates smiling waving around their arms enthusiastically just dying to get their questions answered. I'm like hhahah wtffff
Film- Mr. Noland. Funnyman. He knows how to keep the class's attention and what class is better than watching movie clips and analyzing them? Fun, fun, fun. I'm so excited about my path in majoring in film. Dope.
Philosophy- Mr. Kamler, he's my favorite out of these batch. He has such a huge knowledge of philosophy, you should think twice about what you're about to say because chances are he will always have a better counterargument. He keeps making jokes about me coming into class 5 minutos late, though. He also brings his dog Honeybear. Love that dog. Too bad it got banned because one of his classmates was deathly afraid of dogs (WTF? I know) and other teachers complained that it was unfair, thus the superiors tellin' he can't bring him no mo. UGHUGHUGUGH, I'ma miss that bitch (HA get it?)

So yeah, teachers are great and no homework MAJOR PLUS

The campus is beautifullll. All the fountains and grassy areas and shit. It's a very comfortable environment, no doubt. It gets pretty ridiculous though. It's so high school. You have cliques everywhere, and people there are such rich bitches and snobby. People wear gaudy attire and you should take a look at the cafeteria. Everyone in their own groups laughing and eating, with teenage indie/rock music being blasted from speakers mounted on walls. Daa fuckkk, i know ahah.

Now as for the social life.... AHHAHAHHAH won't even get started. All I can say is that most of the SMCers have the "I came here to study, not to make friends" mindset. Kinda pathetic. I've been so outgoing to so many people, but they're so unenthusiastic and passive, I'm beginning to give up. I guess I've just been looking in the wrong place, since I've made some friends thanks to joining clubs. I joined the ballroom dance club and am learnin to salssaaa mmmm and waltzz weeeee and some other random dance genres. It's pretty tight. I also joined this I.D.E.A.S. for SMC club thanks to Brenda/Mariana/Marco pressuring me. Aha. That club's pretty tight, though... even though I'm the only non-Latino aha. Basically it's about undocumented students. Everything else is pretty much confidential >:D

Ummm so yeah, that's SMC for you.

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