Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sooooo, I'm taking a Screenwriting class at SMC, but I only enrolled because it was a prerequisite for the classes that I wanted to take... and man, it's fucking tight. The teacher's passion is so infective and awesome, that it's really made me enthusiastic about learning it. I've had only two assignments and the first one was basically having an idea about a documentary and your strategy in carrying out the organization of the doc. I decided to do it on war veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's a really important, but often overlooked issue in society. Look it up!
Anyways, now our current assignment is to make a script, and I thought of a doggone idea for it. Basically about a girl that travels around the world to spread her mother's ashes. It'd be like if American Beauty had a child with Into the Wild. That sorta fashion and yaddi yaddi yadda.
I can't wait to start writing, producing, and directing my own films. Hopefully, I do become successful. I'm not doing it for the money - I just have a lot of messages that I want to spread to the world, and when I do make a film, I'm not going to star superficial celebrity hotshots.
Fuck that. I'm going to call up mah homies and cast original/typical/regular people. It'd be dope if I could reunite with my friends and make films and be like kids again.
Dang, dare to dream DBae, dare to dreammmmm.
But then again, dreams can come true.

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