Saturday, April 11, 2009

Countries I Want to Go To Before I Die :(

If I could, I would travel to every single country in the world. But then of course, there are many limitations like our life expectancy, governments, money, etc.

For my top 5 destinations:
Brazil (For the sexy peeps and food)
New England (For their accents)
Fiji (For its beaches and leaf skirts)
India (For its food and Bollywood!)
Thailand (For its food and cheap prostitutes (I'm kidding))

I love going to exotic places and these countries seem to fit that criterion.

Other countries I'd like to visit (In no particular order)
France (So I can act like the typical American and make their heads explode with rage)
China (It's basically like 10093003 different areas all jumbled up. You can travel there all your life and still not finish going to all the tourist spots)
Germany (For the beer, parties, beer, and beer)
Israel (To disprove Christianity (jk). Just to see the birthplace of the religion that shaped the world)
North Korea (Aren't you just curious?)
South Korea (It's my ethnic country. Who wouldn't want to learn more about themselves?)
Italy (To see the nude sculptures and of course, the food)
Kenya (To go safari'ing and learn how they invented Basketball and Hip-Hop)
Djibouti (Just because of its name)
Morocco (Just cuz I heard good things about it. I heard a cup of coffee costs $10, though)
Spain (Just interested in going there)
Australia (So I can find kangaroos and sit in their pouch while they hop)
Russia (Soviet Russia! Vodka! Babushka!)
Mexico (It's a few hundred miles from here, and I still haven't gone. Wowzers)
Denmark (To see why they're the happiest people on Earth)
Jamaica (Yaaaa mon, yo expirience be amezzzin mon!)
Egypt (So I can ride camels and see pyramids while I'm at it)
Chile (Mmmmm.... chili)
Japan (Konnichiwa, Sushi, Arigato Mr. Roboto)
United Arab Emirates (Oil capital and mega urbanization)
Iceland (Because it's the place where fine artists like Bjork and Sigur Ros were born)
Ireland (According to a Facebook quiz)
Antarctica (So I can see what the world was like 99999999 years ago)

That's all that I can think of right now. Again, if I could, I'd go to every single country (There's 195). But there's obviously a lot of factors that inhibit us from doing so. Unless you're a 20 year-old billionaire. Hopefully I get to go to all the countries I listed above here, though. And holy moly, that's one long list...

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