Monday, April 6, 2009

What's really out there?

Planet Earth.
6 billion people.
We describe Earth to be this complex, diverse, and huuuuuuuuge society.
But if you think about it.. We're really not.
I sleep on a bed that's right in front of a window. Sometimes I'd play some ambient music and stare up into the sky, and.. just think.
Sometimes I'd just think about random things like why penguins can't fly or how the color of crayons are named (Ocean spray mist blue? wtf?)
Most of the time, though, it'd be about philosophical topics or about life.
What's really out there?
If we think 6 billion people is big, think about 6 billion galaxies. We're actually really small in comparison.
If we think our society is extremely complex, try our whole universe.
It's just way too much for me, and it especially sucks for me, because I'm one of those people that's searching for the purpose of life. I'm atheist, so I don't believe in creationism and the "Let there be man, then SHAZAM, and let there be animals, then POOF, and let there be light, then KWABOOM" stuff. I think I'd just stick with the theory of us evolving from apes, fish, and bacteria.
I do believe there is life on other planets, though. No, not like the aliens with the weird eyes and strange-shaped heads you see on television. But, somewhat similar like us. If not that, maybe even cells. They're living, too, you know.
I'm pretty sure there's someone just like me thinking about the same thing at this moment.
It's hella big out there, and it'd be an awful waste of space if we're the only living beings in it.
There's no doubt a lot of mysteries waiting to be solved.
I don't know, and I'd probably never know. All I know is, I'm going to just live life. Life is the biggest once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we're given, and I'm going to try my best to get the most out of it.
I've gotten into Astronomy lately, and I think I'm gonna take a class about it in college. I recently watched a really cool sci-fi flick called Sunshine. It's centered around a group who are on a save-the-world mission by reigniting the sun. It's not like the regular sci-fi flicks that focuses heavily on CGI and shit, but this focuses more on human mentality and the relationships we have with each other. It's super awesome, you guys should watch it.
Anyways, yeah. I have loads more to say, and I'd probably save that for a post in the near future. It's pretty late now.
Time to go wonder why penguins can't fly.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

i love how we JUST talked about this.