Monday, April 27, 2009


Some random thoughts on my mind...

SOOOOOOOOOO, we found out who our substitute for our previous substitute that was supposed to substitute for the whole year for Ms. Kraft was. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Deitz. Oh man. Mr. "Mind, Body, Soul"/"Only boring people are bored." This guy talks more about himself and his philosophical views than teaches... But oh wellio. BRING ON THE AP ART HISTORY TEST YARRRR..?

Today we were talking about punctuation in quotations for almost half an hour in Mr. Kitajima. Basically the warm-up said, How would you define "work?". Someone said that the question mark should be outside. I thought that, too.. We were going pretty nuts over it. KJ almost conisdered even hittin' up Ms. Votto. Hahaha. I think it's outside, though, no? Like if you said, Did Laquisha say "I'm tired?", because then Laquisha would be asking if she was tired, and people don't usually ask themselves if they're tired, so that's why I think it should be outside, since it's a question, and holllllyyy sheeeeiitt, i'm so confused adskdjklasjdklasdjsa.".

That's some serious shit!
I read that Mexico closed down ALL schools and subways, and advised people to stay at home...
Just imagine that. Walking on a deserted street with a couple of people wearing surgeon masks, and flyers saying "QUARANTINE" (Or QUARANTINO! in Spanish maybe..?) all over the ground and walls.. Like some zombie invasion..
Anyways, I hope that crap gets sorted out and doesn't end up killing too many people.. There's this similar flu that went around in 1915 that killed 20--40 million people.
Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

I'm really up for eating some good Italian pasta right now.

UGH, I wish AP's and finals were just over already...

NOTE TO SELF: Remember to take the Placement test at SMC.

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