Friday, May 1, 2009

the proposal

currently listening to: I Still Remember - Bloc Party
gewd song.

Today was a special day. It was the day that I asked Amy Lo to prom. With ripped pants, to boot. Thanks Amanda for stitching the pants for me. The neon yellow and hot pink thread just raised the value of my pants $40. Sadly, this is fashion nowadays. Ripped clothes. Anyways, back to the main topic...
So, I was in Economics listening to the ol' monotonous voice of Mr. Lloyd with my IQ dropping every passing minute. Before class officially started, Jamie and I asked him if I could use his phone to ask someone to prom over the PA. He didn't let me, asking me why I'm doing this to him and telling me that he could get into big trouble letting me do this. I was really disappointed at him, as he was ruining something big for me. I've used the PA system plenty of times. In Ms. Roberts, Ms. Votto, Mr. Odori, Mr. Kitajima, & Ajax and none of them got in trouble nor caught. I asked him if I could maybe go to the copy room, and again, he said he wouldn't allow it. Oh wellio.
The clock ticked 1:00 pm, and I got up with Jamie to go ask Mr. Lloyd again. He said no with a stern, constipated look, but I said I'm going either way. He then threatened to give me a U in cooperation, and I basically said that I could live with that (Seriously, we're seniors. That shit doesn't matter to us anymo'!) and left the room.
Entered the copy room and saw some familiar faces. Ralph, Ashley. Grabbed the phone, and began talking.
"Hey... please excuse this necessary interruption... This is Daniel Bae speaking. I ha-" It got cut off before I could finish the sentence, and I pressed back the buttons and was a bit confused on how to work that damn tele. Third times the charm, and it all worked.

"Would Amy Lo please report to the prom with me? ...The choice is yours. Gondo pride."
I then proceeded downstairs, snapped off a piece of flower off a tree (Cheap, but it's better than nothin) and walked inside Ms. Komatsu's room.
I gave it to her, and she gave me a little notion saying we should talk outside...
Ooooh... that's a bad sign. But I was already slightly aware that she didn't plan on going (Thanks Daniel Li, lol). We talked it out, and she said she isn't saying no or yes. She'll think bout it and get back to me later on. I wasn't quite sure why she didn't want to go, but then I realized hearing something about a roadtrip planned.

Oh, and MAJOR props to Ashley and Ben helping out with filming the proposal process! I'll upload it onto Facebook sometime soon and link it here.

Anyways, I'm not sure what decision she'll make, but you should know what I'm hoping to hear.

Will keep you guys updated.

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