Monday, May 4, 2009

happy :]

Guys. I just want to say that music is fucking awesome. Seriously. Life would TOTALLY suck with out.

Currently listening to Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros. If you're ever in need to be happy, listen to that song. If you don't have it, download it.
Secrets revealed! The girl that I asked to prom was... lo and behold! Saumya Deva.
Many of you may not know her, but she's awesome and nice. Bummed she's not goin to Oakgrove this spring!

I wanted the proposal to be equally as brilliant as the intercom one, and as said before, I happened to think of one while watching Cold Case Files. Basically, the idea was to lay dead on the floor with chalk drawn to my body's shape like a crime scene. Next to it would be the words "I'd die to go to prom with you, Saumya!"
LAME AND CORNY YAYAYAYA I KNOW. Good thing I didn't do that.
I just asked her after Econ... Basically it went along the lines of:
Me: "Dude! Saumya! Let's go to prom together!"
Deva: "Okay."

Yup. That simple. Funny.
So, Ms. Komatsu called me up in class again today. Surprise.
Turns out I need 202 points to pass the class with a D. Ooooh.. yikes.
150 from tutoring, so that leaves 52. How I'm going to get that, I dunno. She told me to bring most of my tests though. Aish. I don't think I can find all of them, if not even one.

She also asked me if I was gonna take the AP exam. I said yeah, and her jaw dropped all the way to the floor. She suggested me to refund my exam, because she and I both knew that I was clearly NOT going to pass the test. Unless my eenie-meenie-maini-mo strategy miraculously works out, and there is this ridiculous low curve. She also said "I don't want you to drag down my pass rate!", but she was joking. Witty Ms. Komatsu!
I'm gonna get my refund tomorrow. Maybe I can cash it...
Hm. Nah. Parents need it more than I do.
Zoinks. Oakgrove in about a week and a half. HELZZZZZ YEEEEE BOIIIIIIIIIIIII
Gonna be hella awesome, bros!
Hear there's a lot of new fresh faces.
eXcIteD fO' sHo YaAaAaA
What's with the jerking these days?
Is it like a new fad?
I'm just getting into it, and now I hear there's this new leg move called the "Stanky Leg".
I can't even jerk, and now I'm gonna have to learn how to stank.
Next thing you know, a new dance fad with some name like jank or kank will be the new in.
Mama is going crazy over these earrings she got as a gift.
It was one of those huge hooker-lookin earrings, except gold and had weird green stones on 'em.
Seriously, she looked like some Egyptian woman with an identity crisis.
But anyways, she was happy, and I couldn't lie to her saying she looked weirdo.

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