Sunday, May 3, 2009

the results

So, yeah... Amy Lo decided not to go. I did feel a bit sad and angry when I got the text, because I would've preferred her calling me to let me at least know why she decided not to go. She said it wasn't because of me, but something else.. Curious to know!

Certainly is a bummer! It would've been totally awesome if we went. But it's fine. I'm sure she had a really good reason not to go.

So, I had some potential backups, but I realized that they were all taken. So far all you readers who don't have prom dates yet, GET THEM ASAP. LIKE SERIAZZLLY ASAP!
I have someone in mind to ask, and I'm pretty sure she's free and is wanting to go to prom.

I already have in mind how I'm going to ask, too. I don't want to give it away, but all I can say is I got the idea watching Cold Case Files. LOL, NO I'm not going to threaten to kill her if she says no... It's pretty brilliant, if I can say. Seriously, I have no idea where all these good ideas are coming from.. Hehe. But yeah, I'll reveal who I'm talking about and what I did.

Oh, the video has been uploaded already. The one where I proposed Amy to prom. It's on my Facebook, and I don't know how to embed or link it here onto mah blog... So yeah.

Happy promming homies!

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