Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Horror Nights, A Lost Phone, A Lost Someone

Halloween Horror Nights. At Universal Studios. Ditched Mr. Kitajima's class for it, met up with Amanda, Victor, Carol, Ema, Kelly, and Gabi. Jimmy had to pick his lil sista up, so he came later. So it was the eight of us. Took several buses, then went on.. THE FRIGGIN SUBWAY. MAN THAT WAS SO AWESOME. Haven't taken the subway in such a long time! It was pretty creepy down there. But yeah, that place is just win. It would've normally taken us about 20 minutes by car to get there, but we just took the subway and VROOOM! BAM! got there in like 5 minutes.

Got in, went to a pole, and we just started randomly spinning around it. People stared. We stopped, and took seats. We just waited, did some random stuff, Amanda got on the pole and started actin like a stripper. Almost went blind. JK. Hahaha

Arrived at Universal Studios, and got to the tram. Sat and waited. It came, and voila! Universal Studios. Went in, bought tickets, 44 buckaroos! and got Panda Express (THANKS EMA! :D ) Finished eating, went to go in line. Jimmy came. We all got through and got in another line. And just waited. Then laughed at Ema's picture. Then talked about random topics. Then it ticked 7 and we just started linejumpin people. Got in, and ran to a locker, put our stuff in (My camera in, too, so I couldn't take any pictures of what happened afterwards) and ran towards The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was real scary. Then we went into the Mummy Ride, and there was NO LINE at all!

Afterwards we ran to Jurassic Park, and got in. Right when I got on, I noticed that the little lump in my blue pajama pants was missing. (It must've fallen out of the Mummy Ride!) To my demise, my phone disappeared, and getting wet just made the situation even more aggravating. Anyways, we got out, and I just ran to go check if my phone was there, and it wasn't T.T I got back out, and my friends weren't there. I checked. And checked. And checked! And I just ran up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs. I got lost for about 3 hours. I felt bad. I found them by chance when they were walking down the stairs.

Turned out that they went to security to tell them to look for me, but they told me they lost interest when they told security I was 17! But they described me to be Asian, a Bruce Lee brown shirt with blue plaid pajama pants. Now, I passed by about 20 security guards, and I doubt there were others who wore the same clothes I did.

Anyways, the day just got bad by then. I lost a good phone, I ruined a friend's birthday, I made all my friends upset and worried and not being able to ride any rides, etc. We continued on and waited in line for the Jason maze. That maze sucked. NO one screamed. Everything was just predictable and there was nothing really scary in there.

We then went to Bill & Ted's Halloween Adventure, and damnnn that show was off the heeeeezzyy! It was really cool how they fused and incorporated every aspect of pop culture to a single show. They included the presidential debate (McCain and Obama had a dance off), Hilary Clinton showed off her bra, Juno was Sarah Palin's daughter, a dude that looked like he was from Dragonball Z showed up and tried to get an artifact from Indiana Jones, then Rambo popped up, and then all of a sudden the girls from Sex and the City showed up. It was just all real random, but entertaining. Oh, and Miley Cyrus was about to be killed. That got the crowd even more excited HA. Forgot others. Then at the end, it was all a concert with songs from Miley Cyrus, Ne-Yo, P!nk, Katy Perry, Flo Rida, Janet Jackson, etc. It was just awesome.

After that it was bye-bye Universal and hello home. Got in dad's car, went home, and it was just catchin ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's from there.

It was a good-bad day. Anyways, hopefully history won't repeat itself.
Homework time HOLLAAA

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