Sunday, October 12, 2008

yard sale, church, and sat registration

Yesterday was Oakgrove Yard Sale. It went awesome. Sold many things, even a lawnmower! :O
-_- This morning was a usual Sunday morning. Wake up at 11 and argue with my mom why I have to go to church. Because you see, I ain't Christian or religious. But my mom's hardcore, and she's like "Oh Lord have mercy! My son's been tempted and swayed by the Devil!", and she says it is her holy duty to convert me back to a Christian. It's STOOPID TO DA MAXXXXX. I've already made it official that I was atheist about a year ago, and it's been like this almost every single Sunday... I don't want to argue with my mom, but it is really annoying to be forced to do things I don't want to do. Religion, religion...
I have a good SAT score, so all I have to do is take SAT subject tests (SAT 2). I was planning on taking the November test, but to my demise, the deadline was October 10. Yeah, you read that right, two days ago. I was pissed big time. Those of you reading might be thinking "Just take the next one." I wish it was that simple. I was planning on taking a language test (SAT Korean) and Collegeboard only gives that test on November. How fortunate. The other SAT 2 I'm taking is Math 2 C, but I got that part downnnnn.
I registered for the SAT 2's on Dec 6. I registered for Math 2 c, but had to find a second test to take, because UC's require at least 2 to be taken. So I went eenie-meenie-maini-mo on the other categories. First it was Spanish (QUE?! Yo no se espanol!), then Chemistry (LOL MS. SALIBIAN NO WAY), then Biology. 'Hm, I got a 3 on the AP Bio test, and Mr. Siegel was a great teacher. Should I take it?' It's been 3 years, I probably forgot everything. OH WELL, I just signed up for it.

CRAPOLA so many things to do. Gotta go buy some prep books from B&N, HOLLA


Jamie said...

first of all, there's something called late fee.
second, ur not goign to remember anything from bio. i didn't. after a few months.
okay i g2g. bybbybye <3

daniel bae said...

first of all, i missed the late deadline fee too
and yeah i know im not gonna remember, lol omg
ok bybbybye