Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Pissed Off Driver, and Preps for Halloween.

School bell rings.
Went to the tennis court, met up with the tennis team (Venice won 7-0. Wee.), and just talked with people. Saw some people that I haven't seen in a while. It was nice.
Then it was time for me to take the bus, got off at Charnock Elem School. Walked, and on Sepulveda and Palms, there were police who directed traffic, with this white van in the middle of the street. This white van looked a lot like those white vans from those movies about bank robberies or something. The wait was really long too. Would hate it if I was there..

Anyways, I turned right on Rose, and started going down. I was passing Tilden Ave, and I was crossing a street that had a stop sign. I just walked through, but then the guy just disregards me, and just keeps going. Now, he was expecting me to stop or something, but noooo he stops and starts cursing at me calling me dipshit and asshole or something. It was hilarious, and I flicked him off (I normally don't do that, but I was in a really bad mood). After he sees that he parks his car on an open sidewalk, I glanced back and I saw him just staring at me. I walked a few more steps, and I turned around to check if he was still there. He was there, walking towards me.

Oh shit. My heart started pounding, and I started sweating a little bit. Listening to Sigur Ros was definitely not helping either; it was some scary ambient music. I started walking a bit faster, and he shouted something, but I couldn't hear it with passing cars and music playing. I glanced back, and he was walking back to his car.

Now I got even more scared, because I thought he was going to get his car and put a cap in my ass or something. Good thing he just left. But man, I was shakin all over.

Just a note Mr. Dumbass Driver. Let me teach you some Driving 101. Pedestrians first, betch.


I'ma be a pumpkin. The costume that I wore when I was in elementary school. Can't wait to see what others are wearing. After that, planning to go with some homies and get free chipotle (THERE'S FREE CHIPOTLE TOMORROW), but there's gonna be some huge ass line I bet. It starts at 6 in case you're wondering.

After that, maybe rent some videos, go over to Kaitlin's house and do a sleepover! Like totally awesome! Like yeah! We'll color each other toenails, gossip, etc!!! Just kidding. We're just gonna watch some scary movies and pull an all nighter. Definitely going trick-or-treating before that.

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