Friday, October 24, 2008

Phone Back, Movie Weekend


2 days without a phone. I don't know why, but I just felt naked without a phone. A phone is an important device in our daily lives, and it clears the sense of loneliness-if you're lonely and you're bored, HOLLLA @ YO HOMIE!

During this wait time, it got me into deep thinking. Society has changed. We care too much about superficial objects and qualities in life. With new technologies such as the phone, internet, television, we live much more convenient and entertaining lives. It supposedly brings people closer, but in reality, all it does is push people apart. From face-to-face conversations, we now talk to people through little gadgets. And when we could be actually having some quality time with our parents, we watch television and watch the latest hit series, or message friends by popular social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. We have become too dependent on technology, and I fear that this can have negative results on society. I can talk about this for hours, but I really want to watch The Descent now.

--------------MOVIE WEEKEND!----------------------


Seriously. tgif.
I haven't had these stressed-out weeks in a while. College apps, AP Calculus test, English essay, UC prompts, job applications and interviews. I'm worried to see myself being this busy in the future. Too bad it has to...
ANYWAYS, I came home, and took a 10 minute nap. Then jumped out, and began my movie weekend. Got a bunch of random DVD's , some from Netflix (Into the Wild, The Descent, Speed Racer), some from my old stash of retro 80's movies (Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Weird Science), and the old classics collection from my parents (The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Godfather). DAYUM that's a lot of movies!

I started off by watching Into the Wild, and wow, that was a really awesome and powerful film. I don't want to ruin it, but all I can say is that it has a great point to it. I'd love to do what he did, but I just don't have the guts to do it. If you guys haven't watch this yet, you should. TOTALLY recommend this.

Now to watch The Descent! I heard it's a really good scare flick. Better be, with the crappy scary movies Hollywood pops out these days.


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