Friday, October 10, 2008

Looking for clothes in a closet... GONE WRONG!

Oh man. That was disgusting as hell.

I was looking in my parents' closet to pick some clothes to donate to the Oakgrove Yard Sale tomorrow (Woo :D), and I noticed that a lot of the clothes that my dad had had holes and white residue on them... To see what had caused this, I embarked on an investigation to find and destroy those pesky little insects! My parents had a large amount of clothes (They've been keeping clothes from the 80's..) and I was wriggling through the hills of musty old clothes. There were no signs of any bugs on the ground. So I looked up. I was looking through them... A suitcase, pillows, a wool blanket, purses... WAIT A MINUTE! A WOOL BLANKET? OMFG... I stood on my tippy-toes and I threw the suitcase that was on top of the blanket off. And FROOOOOM INSECT SWARM CHAOTIC PANDEMONIUM. I was freaking screaming my ass off, and the suitcase fell off from the top shelf and broke one of the hangar holders off and most of the clothes dropped to the ground. There were freaking 8374283749999 to the 10000 power of bugSSSSSSSs that swarmed towards me, and I ran out of the closet (It's a walk-in closet) and I closed the door. I panicked and ran around my home looking for a solution. And then there was Raid, the Instant Insect Killing Spray with Outdoor Fresh Scent. I grabbed it and I opened the closet door, and SPRSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I think I used like 2/3 of the can.... ANYWAYS, I closed back the door, and waited about 20 minutes for it to kill all those stupid bugs!



Except the closet was a total mess, and there were bugs everywhere on the ground... I'm screwed when my parents get here.. Luckily, they're at church praisin the Lord Almighty until 10:30... I got some time.

But man... THAT WAS FUCKING TERRIFYING OH MY JESUSSSS.... I did some research a few minutes ago, and I found out what those nasty little bugs were..


You gotta love Raid.


Glad that's over... NOW TO GO CLEAN UP THE CLOSET... *#&$*#$@$#^!!!

1 comment:

daniel bae said...