Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Physics Teacher *sigh*

You know who I'm talkin bout.
And for those who don't know who I'm talking about... sorry. To prevent a teacher from being angry and F's, I don't want to write his name.
Screw it, his name's Mr. Kitajima.
He's my Physics teacher, and he's seriously a pain in the ass.
He's a former 8th-grade teacher, and I had high expectations from him because I've heard rumors of him having a pass rate of 80% for 8th graders taking the AP exam. That's really awesome, but I knew there was some catch. There's always some catch with good teachers. And unfortunately, I was right.

Being that it's his first year as a teacher in high school, I can sort of understand why he's strict. He abides to all school rules, and there's never a moment in that class when we can just have a break. I know for a fact that he hates our period (Period 6) the most with his freaky facial expressions (when he's angry/disappointed) and the way he treats us.

I'm just playin in cool, because this is the last year I have the chance of getting good grades and marks. I'm usually loud and loquacious (lol) in classrooms, but this year, no-no. Anyways, it's after lunch, we're re-energized and active. The most active of our class is noticeably Todd, maybe Ben and Jimmy, and from here-and-then Arnolfo. They're what keeps the class entertaining and not the least bit boring (SO PROPS TO YOU IF YOU'RE READING THIS). But Mr. K's always there to ruin the fun with his "Come see me after class" remarks and his acts of unacceptance (He glares at us. Glares.) whenever someone says something "inappropriate" or against school rules. I mean Mr. Kitajima does have some moments where he gets the class all giddy. The weekly games (Physictionary and... Physicsketball??). He does, however, do not have good jokes. Too geeky for my taste. I also love his reactions to the smartboard (WOW! WOAHHH! That's CRAZY! I love it! ...That's technology!)

And just today, he even took my phone (Thanks Amanda for texting me -_-) and before I was able to put it in my pocket, he came over, and I had to hide it like some spy. I quietly dropped it to the left side of my seat with my fatass coverin it, and then he had to play Inspector Gadget on me and went behind me. Now I glanced at his eyes, and I knew he knew that I had my phone out, but he seemed to hesitate and asked me for it about 10 seconds later. Damn, I was expecting a call, too.

Anyways, I don't want to just all bad-mouth about him, I do have to say he is a decent teacher. I'm not in AP Physics, so I can't say if he's that knowledgeable. On the day that I 'ditched' for Universal Studios, I heard that a girl in class asked him a question which he failed to answer, with his tangents and unclear answers, and ended up taking the whole class time.
I also respect that he lives a moral life. He lives by rules (good ones) and is the type of people who makes this world all the better and more peaceful.

But man, I really hope he can lighten up a little. I mean it's senior year. It's the year seniors get to mess around and be little, immature 4-year-olds.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

i cannot agree more.
everything u wrote here.